M i n i P C I M o d u l e
P E R - C 4 0 C
PER-C40C Quick Installation Guide
In above command line
is the COM port number
and it must be beyond beforehand. So in this case X1 is 4,
X2 is 5. Besides,
is IRQ number . Finally, we can set the
I/O address individually.
setserial /dev/ttyS4 port 0xe000 irq 9 uart 16950 baud_base 115200
setserial /dev/ttyS5 port 0xe100 irq 9 uart 16950 baud_base 115200
Please re-start your computer.
5. Make
cat /proc/tty/driver/serial
command to see if the
display is as following, if yes you already set it up.