MYOLIFT MD is, FDA-cleared anti-aging device is safe and easy
to use facial therapy. The device is designed to diminish wrinkles,
tone the skin and re-educate the muscles, improve the skin's
elasticity minimizes ne lines, reduce redness and broken veins,
and destroy pore-clogging bacteria. The unique double tipped
probe hand piece applicator has been designed for optimal
contact for facial structures of all shapes and size. With electrical
current which continually alternate between the positive and
negative spheres, it is guaranteed to provide the optium current
needed for each individual.
For sufcient conductivity of the device, a conductive solution is
utilized. Therefore, it is vitally important to apply 7E conductive gel
to the skin area to be treated prior to the application of the
treatment. The probe sphere is glided over the skin, following the
natural contours of face, for an instant visible face lift.
The microcurrent facial therapy is one of the latest procedures in
anti- aging protocols and is a non-invasive and comfortable
alternative to facial surgery, Botox, Thermage, dermabrasion,
chemical peels and other anti-aging approaches that either
treat only the local area or are damaging to the skin. The
microcurrent facial can take years off the face and neck, with no
risk or side effects and with rapid and lasting results.
MyoLift MD Master Device | Operations Manual
MyoLift MD Master Device | Operations Manual
Microcurrent therapies constitutes the delivery of tiny
electrical impulses which mirror the body's own natural bio
electrical eld. The low-level waveform-shaped electrical
impulses are transmitted through dual tipped probes with the
aid of a water-based conductive gel.
Microcurrent facial therapy involves the gentle electrical current
re-educattion to the underlying muscles & improves circulation,
texture, tone, and minimizes ne lines.
In most cases, treatment is virtually sub-sensory, with just a slight
electrical tingling sensation may be felt by the client.
Non Invasive.
Progressive not Aggressive.
Anti-aging benets without down time.
Results are accumulative.
FDA cleared over the counter microcurrent device.
Touch screen: simple one touch selection of stimulating