15. Add the three headers:
6-pin female header for I2C breakout (bottom left of photo)
3x2 male header for servos (top left of photo)
** For v1.1 also add a 3x2 male header in the position at the bottom centre of above
26-pin GPIO header
For v1.0, note that the lower 3x2 header is not used unless the wheel encoder add-on
pack is fitted
** For v1.1 add the 2 blue jumpers in the leftmost positions for line followers, or
rightmost positions for wheel sensors
** For v1.2 we have replaced the 3x2 headers and 0.1" jumpers with a miniature slide
switch as shown below
The position of the jumpers (v1.0 and v1.1) should be as shown below. Put both jumpers to
the left for line following, and to the right for wheel sensing. Note that the jumpers should be
aligned along the length of the Pi2Go-Lite, not across the board.