Step 3: Voltage Regulator
Next, insert and solder the voltage regulator (7805). Bend it down flush to the PCB (as shown in the
photo). The words must be facing upwards.
7805 voltage regulator – Bend down flush to PCB x 1
Above (clockwise): BAT-85S diode (very bottom of image, note band points to the right), 7805 regulator,
20MHz crystal
Step 4: Header pins
A. Insert and solder the male header pins on the top board first. Since the headers fall out easily, it helps
to put a piece of cardboard or a book over the PCB, then flip over the book and PCB together before
Peek ahead, don't accidentally put male headers where females go!
Solder one or two pins per header, then flip the board back over and check to make sure they are lined
up, flush to the PCB, and the pins are at a perfect right angle to the PCB. When you verify this, flip the
board back over and solder the rest of the pins.
2x8 headers x 1
2x3 header x 1
2x5 header x 1