Loopdrive – User and installation manual
Picture 15. T-Branch lines with multiple loudspeakers.
Picture 16. Mixed configuration.
3. Routine maintenance inspection
In order to check correct Loopdrive operation in case of potential cabling failure, simulate faults and observe system
reaction. Perform following procedure:
a. Check if LDB is powered
b. If LDB is indicating FAULT mode (orange LED blinking) go to chapter “Faults”.
Continue to next steps only if LDB is indicating QUIESCENT mode.
c. Put LDB into SERVICE MODE (press SERVICE button for 10 seconds)
d. Simulate short-circuit fault
1. Using a jumper make direct short between L+ and L- wire on PRIMARY or SECONDARY output of LDB.
2. Confirm that SHORT indication on LDB appears.
3. Confirm that fault contact was activated.
4. Remove the short circuit. Confirm that SHORT indication on LDB disappears.
e. Simulate open loop fault
1. Disconnect loop cable from PRIMARY or SECONDARY output of LDB.
2. Confirm that OPEN indication on LDB appears.
3. Confirm that fault contact was activated.
4. Connect the loop cable back to LDB. Confirm that OPEN indication on LDB disappears.
f. Put LDB into QUIESCENT mode
g. Simulate earth leakage fault:
1. Make direct connection between L+ or L- wire to ground potential (Ground pin of LDB)
2. Confirm that EARTH indication on LDB appears.