1. Secure the device on a DIN rail, following the connections showed in the previous scheme (Fig.1
and Fig. 2).
2. Once the device is installed and powered on, download the free Elios4you APP on your own
smart device (smartphone or tablet) from
(Android) or
App Store
3. Open the App and start the Wizard Configuration, following the steps visible on your smartphone/
tablet (read the Elios4you APP Quick Guide for further information)
4. Set correct parameters for your PV system and your energy provider using the App menu:
- Press
“Menu” button
- Select
“Parameter Settings”
- Select “Energy Management” and set values
- Press OK when finished to save new values.
5. Ensure the data values are correct:
- Press
“Home” button to to go the “Energy Performance” page
- Check that energy “Generation” value
has a similar value to that from the inverter
- Check that the energy “Consumption”
value relative to the real-time consumption you
have in the property.
Configuring Elios4you in “Indirect Mode” grants access through the broadband Router/
AP, allowing all data to be sent to the 4-Cloud, visible remotely through the Elios4you APP (when
4-Cloud is activated) and also via the 4-Cloud Dashboard (web-portal). Go to http://www.4-cloud.
org and follow the instructions to register your device. Using the credentials on the label provided
(see left).
1. I can’t see my PV system en-
ergy generation in the App’s
Home Page
a. Change the Generation CT clamp (white label) orientation, by inverting the green dot (or the arrow direction inside the clamp)
to the opposite direction.
b. Check that the Generation CT clamp (white label) is only clamped around the PV Live cable (not including the Neutral cable).
c. Check that the CT clamp core is not broken or cracked inside (you may hear a buzzing noise).
d. Check that the Generation CT clamp (white label) is properly closed - be sure not to apply excessive force.
2. The energy generation visible
on the App is definitely less
than the value read from the
a. Ensure that the Elios4you transmitter is powered from the same Live phase as the Mains CT clamp (yellow label).
b. Check that the Generation CT clamp (white label) is properly closed - be sure not to apply excessive force.
3. The Consumption line has
the same shape as the Gen-
eration line in the graph
a. Ensure that the Mains CT clamp (yellow label) is clamped over the Mains Live phase cable after the Mains Meter and before
the Consumer Unit and/or any Henley Block. Failing to do so will not give an accurate measure of total consumption.
b. Ensure that the Neutral cable is not included within the Generation / Mains CT clamps.
c. Check that the CT clamp cores are not broken or cracked inside (you may hear a buzzing noise).
4. It seems that the Consump-
tion values are only being
shown in the “Grid” icon
a. Ensure that the Mains CT clamp (yellow label) is clamped over the Mains Live phase cable after the Mains Meter and before
the Consumer Unit and/or any Henley Block. Failing to do so will not give an accurate measure of total consumption.
5. I can never see “Purchased
Energy” in my system
a. Ensure that the Mains CT clamp (yellow label) is clamped over the Mains Live phase cable after the Mains Meter and before
the Consumer Unit and/or any Henley Block. Failing to do so will not give an accurate measure of total consumption.
6. During the night the con-
sumption is zero, while dur-
ing the day consumption is
always more than the ex-
pected value
a. Change the Mains CT clamp (yellow label) orientation, by inverting the green dot (or the arrow direction inside the clamp)
to the opposite direction.
7. The App shows a consump-
tion value much higher than I
would expect.
a. Change the Mains CT clamp (yellow label) orientation, by inverting the green dot (or the arrow direction inside the clamp)
to the opposite direction.
b. Ensure that the Mains CT clamp (yellow label) is clamped over the Mains Live phase cable after the Mains Meter and before
the Consumer Unit and/or any Henley Block. Failing to do so will not give an accurate measure of total consumption.
General Characteristics
n°8 led of functionality diagnostic; Parameter configuration with Tablet
Radio Characteristics
Wi-Fi 802.11b; Access point (AP) Station (STA),B; Output Power 15 +- 1 dBm
Red Cap (only Elios4you Smart); ZIGBEE Home Automation Profile (HA1.2)
2405 MHz ÷ 2480 MHz; IEEE 802.15.4 compatible; Nominal transmission Power +10dBm; Internal PCB Antenna
Power Supply
- 20% 2 W
Internal Memory
Historical data up to two months with sampling every 15 minutes
External alarm: free contact connected to the inverter or auxiliary contact breakers; Lack of production in absence of
data after 4 hours in the central time zone (from 10.00 to 14.00)
Screw terminals for 230 V ac; Screw terminals for CT; Screw terminals for signal input alarm
Wi-Fi external antenna SMA RP connector.
Environment Parameters
Operting temperature 0 + 50°C; International Protection IP45
CE Declarations of
Compliant with directives 2004/108 CE (Directive EMC) 2006/95 CE (Low Voltage Directive)/ 99/5 CEE (Radio
Equipment Directive). Standards and/or technical specifications applied: ETSI EN 300 328v1.8.1:2012-06; ETSI EN
301 489- 17v2.2.1:2012; ETSI EN 301 489-1v1.9.2:2011; EN 61326-1:2013; EN 60950-1:2006 + A11 (2009)
Dimensions (mm)
1. Open the Elios4You APP
2. Press Menu Button
--> Red Cap --> Activate Red Cap --> Confirm
When pairing devices for the first time, keep devices within close range to the Elios4you
transmitter. The devices can then be moved around to required position after pairing is complete.
The Smart Plug/Switch does not need to be close to the Wi-Fi router, as the Smart Plug/Switch
communicates using ZigBee RF (directly to the Elios4you transmitter) and not through Wi-Fi.
1. Verify that your smart device (smartphone/tablet) is within radio range of the Wi-Fi and/or
2. Install the Plug/Switch to be paired to Elios4you.
3. Make sure that the Plug/Switch is not paired with a network already (Red LED flashing), otherwise
perform the disassociation before continuing (see manual for Smart Plug/Switch).
4. Select Menu icon in the Elios4you App
App --> Red Cap --> Add Smart Plug.
5. Carefully follow the Wizard in the Elios4you App.
6. Once complete, go back to the Home Screen of the App
select the Consumption icon:
taking you to the Consumption Details page where you will see icons for the management of
individual appliances .
7. To modify the settings of individual Plug/Switch, select the corresponding icon
repeat the above procedure for the installation of additional Smart Plug/Switch.
Within 1 minute of the pairing procedure, you will be able to see the Smart Plug/Switch
state in the Elios4you App.
Shows the OFF state (off)
for both the manual mode
and/or automatic mode.
Shows the ON state (on)
for both the manual mode
and/or automatic mode.
Shows the OFFLINE state,
meaning the plug/switch is
off from the mains, or is out
of radio range.
Elios4you Front Panel Icons
Blink frequency
proportional to the
amount of generated
energy of the pv plant
Blink frequency
proportional to the
amount of energy
exchanged with the grid
If ON: energy currently
being purchased from
the grid
If ON: energy currently
being sold to the grid
Power supply
Wi-Fi on
General alarm or
failed attempt to
get connected to
the smart device
Not used
- medical equipment: the involountary deactiva-
tion can cause life-threatening situations
- devices that can cause damage, injury or fire in
case of accidental activation (eg. irons)
- appliances that can be damaged by turning on
/ off frequently
- appliances that cannot be interrupted
- appliances that require a continuous current
Always seek advice from the
manufacturer or user manual of the appliance
if it is suitable to control via radio plug or timer.
Be sure to configure the Smart
Plug/Switch correctly, as per the instructions
from specific appliance manufacturers.
if the generation energy LED
does not blink when the PV installation is
producing energy, it is necessary to invert the
Generation CT orientation by swapping the
connection of the wires of Elios4You (terminals
7 and 9).
if the LEDS
detect the
wrong energy flow (“sold” energy when it should
report a situation of “purchased” energy or vice
versa), it is necessary to invert the mains CT
(yellow label) by swapping the connection of the
wires of Elios4You (terminals 10 and 12).
Ensure that the positioning of the
Generation & Mains CTs are correct to the
wiring of the property. Otherwise the resulting
measurements may not be reliable. Ensure the
Mains CT clamp is positioned after the Mains
Meter, but before the Consumer Unit. Taking into
account any Henley Blocks / Split Junctions.
Alterations to the length of CT
cables may cause increases in marginal errors
during measurements. We do not recommend
such alterations of the device.
Before installing Elios4you, remove
the label with device credentials and attach below
(or keep in a safe place) for future reference and/or
monitoring via the 4-Cloud Dashboard (web-portal)
ID CODE: 00000
Register on:
and associate your device
with USER:
If you are configuring the Elios4you
APP via the Router/AP, data will be visible via
the 4-Cloud Dashboard after approximately 1
hour from configuration.