User manual
Under the UDP work mode. IES618-4D is server and also client, the relevant setting is ―Local port‖, ―Target
address‖ and ―Target port‖. It can support point to point and multicast UDP, setting method is the same as TCP.
TCP Auto
In this Mode, serial device server can act as server or client. Before setting this Mode, please ensure related
parameters are correct when you turn on the server mode, client mode is automatically disconnected.
RealCom support TCP Server and TcpAuto, can choice open and close function in RealCom, figure 5.4.3.
When device open the RealCOM function, can cooperate with VSP Management Software create virtual
COM port to communication, now, device‘s work mode is server, the virtual COM port is client, how to create the
Virtual COM port, please the VSP Management Software user manual.
Figure 5.4.3
Advanced mode
1. TCP server
Under this mode, series is server, IES618-4D can choice 0-4 channel connection at the same time,
configuration mode is the same based mode. Figure 5.4.4 as follows:
Figure 5.4.4
2. UDP
Under this mode, Target address is a address pool, all of the address in pool can connect with NP30XT series,
can choice 0-4 channel connect at the same time. Figure 5.4.5 as follows: