3M™ MicroTouch™ Software MT 7 User Guide
3M Touch Systems, Inc. Proprietary Information – 25695K
Touch each corner and along the edges of the sensor. Verify that the cursor reaches
the full image area of the sensor. Be sure you can touch and activate all icons and
menus across the entire sensor.
If you are using a pen stylus, be sure to perform the calibration procedure using the
If you need to recalibrate the sensor, make sure to touch the targets carefully. It is
possible that one of your touches did not register properly or you accidentally
touched the sensor in the wrong place during calibration. For example, if you touch
beyond the targets or into the non-image area, you will distort the sensor calibration.
Support Information
This information helps identify your system setup for troubleshooting purposes. If for
any reason you need to call Technical Support, this information will be useful.
Controller ID
On the Main tab, this is an information-only field in a single controller situation – if you
have more than one controller you can select the specific controller you want to adjust.
This field identifies the controller(s) attached to your system. It will display unique
identifiers for each controller attached to your system in a drop box. When you select a
controller from this list, the Controller tab will reflect only this controller – any changes
will be made only to this controller.
USB controller values include USB00000001, USB00000002, or USB00000003.
For EX serial controllers values include PORTCOM1, PORTCOM2, PORTCOM3,
For other serial controllers values include SER00000001, SER00000002, etc.
If there are multiple controllers in use, then a dropdown menu will appear next to
‘Controller ID.’ Each controller may be calibrated separately by choosing a specific one
from the dropdown menu and then hitting ‘Calibrate.’
Controller Type
This field displays the type of controller currently attached to your system. This data may
be useful for Technical Support issues. The touch controllers supported with this release
are as follows:
EX USB, HID, and Serial capacitive and resistive controllers
CX USB controllers
DX Dual mode (USB and Serial) controllers
PX Dual mode (USB and Serial) controllers
RX USB and Serial resistive controllers
SX Serial pen controllers
Firmware Version
These digits represent the version number and revision level of the touch controller