3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm Graphics Accelerator User's Guide
You can also navigate to the full set of 3Dlabs driver customization tools via the icons on the left side:
OpenGL Options – Full scene antialiasing, Anisotropic filtering, Stereo, Buffer Swap Mode,
Vertical Sync
DirectX Options - Full scene antialiasing, Vertical Sync
Display Settings – Clone mode, Color control, Display rotation, Edge blending/overlap
Optimize Settings – Application optimization, Acuity Windows manager, Task bar
These customization tools are discussed in more detail later in this chapter.
Configuring OpenGL Options
This window provides customization of the following features:
Full-scene Antialiasing
Choose from the following:
: Full-scene antialiasing is disabled in all applications.
: Full-scene antialiasing is disabled by default, but can be enabled by applications. If
enabled, the application will use the sample count indicated by the slider.
Force On
: Full-scene antialiasing is enabled in all applications. Applications will use the sample
count indicated on the slider.
4X Sampling
: This setting forces the graphics adapter to use antialiasing with four samples per
pixel. This is the fastest of the antialiasing options.
8X Sampling
: This setting forces the graphics adapter to use antialiasing with eight samples per
pixel. This setting will produce the smoothest image