3D Systems, Inc.
Survey the areas where you have considered placing your new SLA system. Consider the following factors before you decide on
your ProX 950 facility.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Is there enough space for all equipment in that area, or will you separate the SLA system from the sec
Is the flooring a solid, nonporous surface suitable for cleaning with isopropyl alcohol? (
Can the location be isolated, as a laser safety precaution? Can closing and locking the door during in
stallation or a service call prevent access to the location by unauthorized personnel? (
Can the required equipment and accessories be located either in the same room or in an adjoining
room to the ProX 950 ? (
Is the air conditioning adequate for that area? (
Can humidity be maintained at an appropriate non-condensing level for the SLA material (20-50%)? (
Is adequate electrical power available to the site? Are there at least two 220 V circuits; two outlets, each
with its own circuit and at least one additional 110/220 V outlet for servicing the system? (
Is there minimal UV-intensive lighting or natural sunlight? (
Is 10/100/1000 BASE-T Ethernet network and cabling installed to the location? (
Is the room clean? Is construction of floors, ceilings, and walls complete? (
Does the location offer network access to connect an optional Web cam for remote viewing? (
Is an appropriate forklift available during the installation appointment to move the system and its ac-
cessories to their designated location? (
Are the hallways and doorways adequate to allow passage of a forklift carrying a crated or un-crated
SLA system? (
ProCure UV Chamber?
Bench for cleaning parts?
Green part rinsing and finishing area?
Sink and eyewash station?
Is there a compressed air connection with pressure controller and fast closing connection? (Optional)