UP Plus 3D Printer User Manual
Support Options (Smart Support)
The software’s Smart Support is where the
software will automatically calculate where it
requires support material. The Bunny on the
left was printed with 80 degree support and
then the support material is broken away to
reveal the end result on the right
mended setting is 30 or 10 degrees.
Angle at
support material only gets used if angle of surface is
hang), If set to 50° than support material is used for any surface
horizontal. In the image on the left of a green curve, the red indicates the amount
material, changing the angle higher will produce more support.
Set to > 10°
4. Troubleshooting
3D Printer User Manual v 2013.6.10
Semi-Hollow Honeycomb
Hollow Honeycomb:
The Part is made
low, which gives you the weakest part
time. Parts with flat top surfaces can
with this setting.
(Smart Support)
software’s Smart Support is where the
software will automatically calculate where it
requires support material. The Bunny on the
left was printed with 80 degree support and
then the support material is broken away to
on the right. The recom-
Support Angle:
(Recommended Angle:30)
at which support material gets inserted. For example if 10
support material only gets used if angle of surface is greater
horizontal (so support material is almost not used unless there is a direct ove
than support material is used for any surface that is greater than 5
In the image on the left of a green curve, the red indicates the amount
material, changing the angle higher will produce more support.
Set to > 50°
The Part is made mostly hol-
part but faster print
Parts with flat top surfaces can slightly droop
. For example if 10° is used,
greater than 10° from
(so support material is almost not used unless there is a direct over-
is greater than 50° away from
In the image on the left of a green curve, the red indicates the amount of support