Again, if you are not sure of the servo arm length you need, delay locking the adjustor nut so that you can
move the adjustor on the arm if necessary.
- Install the SFGs onto the wing tips as shown using 2 large wood screws each.
Place the SFG spacers in between the SFGs and the wingtips to space the SFG away from the aileron to
avoid interference. Use a hobby knife to open the screws holes in the covering on the wingtips. Be
careful inserting the screws through the SFGs into the wingtips, make sure they are centered to avoid
damaging the wingtip internal structure.
Mounting the receiver: In your kit is a rectangular piece of lightweight balsa wood marked “Rx”. You can
attach your receiver to this plate with double-sided tape, velcro, or glue and mount the plate in any
convenient location inside the fuselage.
- Use thick CA glue or tape to attach the landing gear cover plate as shown: