3Com Router 5000 Family
Installation Guide
Chapter 5 Startup and Configuration of the Router
3Com Corporation
II. Powering on the router
Turn on the site power.
Turn on the power switch of the router.
III. Checking/operating after power-on
After the router is powered on, please perform the following inspection.
1) Whether the LEDs on the front panel are normal
In the process of the Power On Self Test (POST), the LEDs light in the following
sequence: SLOT1 to 3 are ON first. Then, if SLOT 2 and 3 are ON, it means that
the memory test is successful. If SLOT 1 and 2 are ON, it indicates the failure of
the memory test.
For the status of the LEDs during normal operation after power-on, please refer to
Chapter 2 System Specifications.
2) Whether the console terminal display is normal
The startup interface on the console terminal can be seen after the router is powered on
(please see “Section 5.1.3 Startup Process” in this manual for reference).
After the startup (in other words, self-test), the user is prompted to press <Enter>.
When “<3Com>” is displayed, the user can proceed to configure the router.
5.1.3 Startup Process
3Com 5000 Routers use the same version of Boot ROM program.
After the startup of the router, Boot ROM program will be run first and the following
system information will be displayed on the terminal screen:
The interfaces displayed on the terminal may vary slightly with different versions of
Boot ROM.
Router start booting,(V2.00)
Starting at 0x1500000...
* *
* 3Com 5000 Routers Boot ROM, V9.13 *
* *
Compiled at 12:17:34 , Jul 19 2005.