5: H
On-Line Documentation
You must have a Web browser installed to open the LAN
card on-line help. A connection to the network is not
required for reading the document, although active links
to key 3Com Web sites are supported.
Windows 98, Windows 95, and Windows NT 4.0
To install the help document for Windows 98, Windows
95, Windows NT put the
Installation Disk
in the floppy
drive, open the Start menu and select Run, and run
When setup is complete, you can open the document with
your browser:
1 Click the Windows Start menu.
2 Select Programs.
3 Select 3Com PC Card Utilities.
4 Select 3Com FE574B.
5 Select On-Line Help.
Windows NT 3.51, Windows 3.x, DOS
DOS, Windows 3.x, and Windows NT 3.51 users can open
the HTML file directly from the floppy drive. From your
browser, open A:\HTML\HELP574.HTM.
To install the help document on your hard disk, create a
top-level directory called \HELP574. Copy the files from
A:\HTML to the new folder. From your browser, open
DOS Diagnostics Help Library
If you do not have a Web browser, you can find more
information in the DOS Diagnostics help library. To run
Diagnostics, put the
Installation Disk
in your floppy drive
and run A:\INSTALL.
For details on running the DOS diagnostics program, see
the INSTRUCT.TXT file in the HELP directory on the
Installation Disk