LAN Adapter Support, Universal Serial Bus (USB) Ethernet Support Device Driver.
©2003, Jonas Buys.
2.2 USB Ethernet Installation with eComStation 1.1
This section will is ONLY applicable if you have the desire to configure your USB
Ethernet Card while installing eComStation 1.1 to your computer system. If eCS is
already installed, you should go ahead as was described in the previous section, thus
using MPTS. eComStation 1.1 comes with a brand new even more powerfull installer,
which was developped in coöperation with IBM using OS/2's unique CID technology.
eCS 1.1 is a very complete and up-to-date product, and it includes all drivers
available via SoftWare Choice.
This section will tell you what to do once you've reached the
Network adapters and
screen during instalation of the eCS 1.1 operating system, where you can
configure your NICs. This section won't however cope with the entire eCS 1.1
installation! We take for granted that you perform an advanced installation. The
image below shows you the appropriate part of setup we are going to study here:
FIGURE3: network configuration during eCS 1.1 install.