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fax: +420 261 301 599, e-mail: [email protected], VAT No.: CZ2618396 www.2n.cz
Configuration of GSM outgoing groups:
You are able to set up different setting for each GSM group (CLIR, free minutes, Virual ring
tone, roaming and others)
Prefix lists
We have to create two network lists, the first one for T-mobile and the second one for
T-mobile network list:
We configure the normalization of Called party number in the Table of replaced prefixes (the
number in front of the slash mark is replaced by number behind the slash mark, if there is not
any number in front of the slash mark it is equaled to “everything”).
We also have to fill in the Table of prefixes with all prefixes of the T-mobile operator.
Because all numbers are 9 digits length, it is not necessary to specify for each prefix, we can
use the parameter Default number of digits and fill there the value 9.
For the match in prefix list, the Table of replaced prefixes, Table of accepted prefixes and
Count of digits must correspond with called number.
Tabs for GSM outgoing group1
Parameter CLIR