2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
3.2.4 LAN
The LAN tab shows the LAN parameters for LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3 ports.
IP – system IP address, used as the router (gateway) address for the LAN
(devices connected to the LAN ports or DSL lines).
Mask – LAN IP mask on LAN ports or DSL lines.
DHCP server – allow the DHCP server to assign basic network parameters (IP
address, IP mask, gateway and DNS servers) to devices connected to LAN ports
or DSL lines.
IP lease time – time (in minutes) of assignment of network parameters to
First DHCP IP – IP address defining the area of addresses assigned to devices.
Last DHCP IP – IP address of the end of the area (from / to interval).
DNS masquerade – allow the devices to be assigned the system IP address (“IP”
parameter) as the DNS server address; the DNS queries will be automatically
resent from the device to the Internet.
DNS 1 – primary DNS server IP address (assigned if DNS masquerade is not
DNS 2 – backup DNS server IP address (assigned if DNS masquerade is not