General limitations and safety:
1- CPU cooling model 2E GAMING AIR COOL (2E-AC90D4-RGB) can only be
used with a 90mm fan.
2 - Be careful when the fan is working and avoid getting any objects and body
parts on the blades.
3 - Thermal paste that is used to install the device is not food. Avoid contact of
thermal paste with eyes, skin. Keep it out of the reach of children and animals.
If thermal paste gets on your skin, wash it off immediately with water. In case
of ingestion or other health problems when using thermal paste, consult a
doctor immediately.
4 - It is necessary to store the device out of the reach of children. It is advisable
to wear protective gloves when mounting / dismounting the cooling on the
processor to avoid injury and to complete the process safely. Do not use
excessive force when securing the device to avoid damaging its components.
5 - Before starting to work with the device, carefully read the technical
characteristics and packaging. If you find a discrepancy with the declared
information, contact the seller of the product to replace or complete it.
6 - During transportation of the finished system, it is necessary to dismantle
the processor cooling to avoid damaging the motherboard. The supplier is
not responsible for non-compliance with transportation rules and for damage
to processor cooling or processor resulting from the use of aggressive
chemical thermal interfaces during installation of the device, which are not
provided for in the instructions for use.
*** Appearance and equipment can be changed in order to improve the
device and improve its quality.
Використання пристрою пiсля закiнчення термiну
придатностi та утилізація.
1 - Розрахований мiнiмальний термiн служби пристрою, що встановлений
виробником для процесорного охолодження становить 10 рокiв i дiє за
умови використання виробу виключно для власних потреб, також при до-
триманнi споживачем правил експлуатацiї, зберiгання i транспортування