Interfacing Multiple Spartan 3 to MegaSquirt 3 May 23 2021
Interfacing Multiple Spartan 3s to
MegaSquirt 3
Your Megasquirt 3 ECU must be running Firmware 1.5.1 or newer, earlier firmwares have fewer user
adjustable CAN settings. If you find that you are missing CAN options in Tuner Studio; you are most
likely running a firmware older than 1.5.1
Spartan 3 CAN settings
Spartan 3
default CAN Baud rate is 500kbit/s and the default CAN Format is 0 and the default CAN ID is
1024. The First Spartan 2 will use default settings. The second Spartan 3 will need a unique CAN ID, in
this example a CAN ID of 1026 will be assigned to the second Spartan 3 by issuing a
serial command, see section 8 and 9 of the Spartan 3 User Manual for details.
Please refer to Section 12 of the Spartan 3 User manual regarding the CAN Termination Resistor.