Finally REMEMBER TO CLEAN the GMA after each session
Connect the inlet hose to a clean cold water supply
(Max. pressure for GMA: 4 bar g).
Flush through by opening both inlet and outlet valves
, with water flowing to drain until the
chamber is clean.
unlock and
pump the gas release plunger several times
avoid the piston becoming stuck with dry beer. Relock the plunger.
If the plunger does become stuck, unscrew it and soak it in warm water until it frees.
Disconnect the water supply
, with the valves still open. Lift the inlet hose and lay the
instrument on its side so the
water drains out via the outlet valve
. Finally, turn the instrument
upside-down to drain the last few drops.
4) Close the valve gently and store the unit upright until it is next required.
Normally cold water is sufficient for cleaning. In severe cases warm water (max. 25°C) or dilute 0.5 to
max. 1% acetic or peracetic acid or hydrogen peroxide can be used at ambient temp. The GMA has
brass valves, so do not leave them soaking or in contact with sanitizer for longer than is essential.
Finally, washout thoroughly with clean water.
Max. Temperature: 25°C. Max. Pressure for GMA: 4 bar g.
(notice the gauge limit!)
GMA construction materials: Chamber: PVC-U, Pump: Stainless Steel, Valves: Brass, Hoses: Silicone
Application Information
Just as with other more expensive instruments in the market, the dissolved CO
result is a calculated value
based on the measured pressure and temperature values. The calculation formula describes detailed
observations and measurements of a physical behaviour. It was first defined in 1803 by Dr William Henry, as
‘Henry’s Law of Partial Pressures’. The mathematics are very complex. Over the years numerous learned
people have developed and improved various different formulae. Nevertheless, none can give us an absolute
and 100% true value. Variations between different instruments and different ‘measuring’ methods are normal
and must be expected.
For best results, a good understanding of the physical behaviour and a consistent operating procedure are
essential. With this, reliable temperature and pressure measurements should be achievable. Attention should be
given to achieving both temperature stability and true partial pressure equilibrium, which is not as quick or easy
as one might think. For example, the temperature of the equipment, the operating environment or the operator’s
hands will adversely affect the beer temperature and thereby the pressure. They both influence the gas
solubility. Ideally and before testing starts, the instrument should be at exactly the same temperature as the
beer. Even the shortest exposure of the beer to air will reduce the dissolved CO
content, this is especially
significant when testing kegs. The smallest of opening in pipes and seals will allow CO
gas out and O
& N
even though a beer leak might not be seen
We hope you enjoy making great beer, helped a little by your new 1-CUBE instrument.
There is more equipment for brewers on our websites.
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