background image


1. Introduction

UT387D is mainly used to detect the metals (rebar/copper pipe) and cables behind the walls, ceilings, and floors, and 
it also can detect metals, cables and wood battens under the plasterboard. 

2. Safety Instruction

To use the product properly, please read the following instructions carefully before use:
      Only qualified maintenance personnel can repair the instrument. Please contact your local distributor if any damage 

is found. 

      To avoid electromagnetic radiation interference, do not use the instrument near other devices and medical instruments 

like pacemaker and hearing aids. 

      Do not use the instrument in explosive and inflammable environment. 
      Do not use the sensor on the airplane. 
      Dispose the instrument and accessories properly according to local waste management policy. 

1) Foreign body detection button (Generally for wooden batten)
2) On/off button of detection function
3) Metal and AC detection button
4) Micro-USB charging interface



Please charge the instrument by safe charger with output voltage of 5V, 
current of 

500mA and micro-USB interface. Our company will not be responsible 

for any accident caused by using wrong charger. 

4. Specifications 

Ferrous metals------------------------------ 100mm
Nonferrous metals (Copper) ------------ 80mm
Copper wire (

4 mm²)------------------- 40mm

Foreign body (wooden batten)---------- 20mm/38mm

Metal mode 0



Foreign body mode 0



Measuring Parameters

Maximum depth

Operating humidity range

General Parameters 

Auto power off


Battery type and life

Product size

Operating temperature

Storage temperature

About 5 minutes

1.8-inch color display

300mAh built-in Li-ion, about 3000 times for fully charging by single test




















The detection results will be af fected by the material, shape and size of the detected objects, as well as the material 
and condition of the detected surface. For uncharged wire, the detecting depth of  AC will be reduced. 

5. Cautions


Keep the product dry against moisture, and do not expose the instrument directly to strong sunlight. 


If the instrument was exposed to great difference in temperature, please wait a while for the temperature recovery 


before use.


Using or operating a transmitter such as a microwave oven near the sensor may affect the results.


Basically, the detection results may be influenced by environment factors, which refer to strong magnetic or 


electromagnetic field generating by other machines. In addition, moisture, metal building materials, aluminum 


cladding of insulating materials, and wallpaper, carpet or tile with conductivity will also affect. Hence we must check 


the related information (such as architectural drawings) before the drilling, sawing of wallboard, ceiling and floor. 

6. For the Best Measurement 


Avoid wearing any jewelry (such as rings or watches) when using sensor. Metals may cause inaccuracy. 


Move the tool evenly on the surface without lifting or changing the applied pressure.


Maintain the contact between the tool and the surface during detection.


Make sure the holding hand do not touch the scanned surface.


Do not touch the sensor or scanned surface with another hand or any other part of body.


Always test slowly for maximum accuracy and sensitivity. 

7. Detection function

7.1Metal Calibration

Make sure there is no moisture on the surface of casing before starting the detection function. Dry the instrument with 
a cloth if it is necessary. 
Short press the button 2 to turn on the detection function, and press the button 3 to enter the interface of metal detection: 

As shown in figure 2, the interface of metal detection function is prepared for detection, and 
the speaker indicates the current detection mode (if the speaker is turned off, there will be no 
sound). At this time, if one of the icons of steel bar, copper pipe and stainless steel pipe is 
displayed on the screen without metal interference, the calibration is required. Place the 
instrument in an environment free of metal and strong magnetic field interference (such as: 
lift the instrument into the air by hand, etc.), and then press and hold the metal detection 
button 3 until the screen shows the interface as Figure 2.

7.2 Detection of Metal Objects

The maximum metal detection depth is 100mm
Short press button 2 to turn on the detection function, and press button 3 to enter the metal detection interface: 


Place the instrument on the detecting surface and move it to the left or right by a consistent direction. 

    When the instrument gradually detects the metal object, the metal icon will be displayed on the screen and gradually 
    become larger as it is getting close. At the same time, the speaker prompts "metal". When it is closest to the metal 
    object, a central icon will appear on the screen.


Metal icons: the steel bar icon represents magnetic metal, and the measured object is generally steel bar; the copper 

    pipe icon means non-magnetic metal, the measured objects are generally copper pipe or alloy

. When the instrument 

    is judged to be magnetic metal or non-magnetic metal, the distance from the instrument to the metal object will be 
    displayed (as shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5); otherwise, it will not be displayed (as shown in Figure 6).


When metal substances and AC electrical signals are detected at the same time (as Figure 3).  The instrument will 

    emit a rapid "drip drip..." sound.


When the AC current symbol appears, it indicates that there is an AC current signal nearby. 


Note: the detection depth will be displayed synchronously on the screen during metal detection. The accuracy of the 

   depth is related to the shape and material of the measured metal, the distribution of the measured objects, and 
   surrounding media properties. When the measured object is standard steel bar/copper pipe with diameter of 18mm, 
   the accuracy of depth can reach maximum. Otherwise, the depth can only be used as a rough reference value. 

Wall Scanner  User Manual


Figure 3                        Figure 4                      Figure 5                   Figure 6

Figure 2

On AC mode  0


