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Owner’s Manual


For Home Use Only


3XVGZ19610_EN_VT.indd   1

1/7/16   9:04 AM


















Thank you very much for purchasing this Toshiba refrigerator.


Read this Owner’s Manual and become completely familiar with the 
refrigerator before use in order to use this product safely and correctly.


Keep this Owner’s Manual in a handy place for future reference.


Make sure that you received your warranty.

Summary of Contents for GR-H52TBZ

Page 1: ...全正確的使用本產品 請於使用本電冰箱之前 閱讀本用戶手冊以完全熟悉產品 請將本用戶手冊放置於可隨手取用的地方 以便往後參考使用 請確認您已收到保固卡 Thank you very much for purchasing this Toshiba refrigerator Read this Owner s Manual and become completely familiar with the refrigerator before use in order to use this product safely and correctly Keep this Owner s Manual in a handy place for future reference Make sure that you received your warranty ...

Page 2: ...ns flammable refrigerant R600a iso butane 110V 規格 只能連接主電壓110V 請直接連接至電源插座 勿使用多孔插座 否則可能 引起火災與觸電等情況 110V Specification Only connect to main voltage 110V Directly connect to the power socket and do not use multiple sockets This may cause fire and electric shock 更換電源線 如果本裝置的電源線損壞 必須僅由製造商指定的維 修站更換 以避免危險 Change the supply cord If the supply cord of this appliance is damaged it must only be replaced by a ...

Page 3: ...e mechanical devices or other means to accelerate the defrosting process other than those recommended by the manufacturer 禁止 請勿在電冰箱的食物儲存空間中使用電氣裝置 除非 是製造商推薦的類型 請勿在電冰箱內使用其他電氣裝置 Prohibited Do not use electrical appliances inside the food storage compartments of the appliance unless they are of the type recommended by the manufacturer Do not use other electric appliances inside the refrigerator 請勿拆卸 請...

Page 4: the door can not be closed airtightly 穩固插入電源線 請將插頭穩固插入電源插座中 連接不良或鬆脫會使冰箱故障 如果發現到連接不良或鬆脫 請採取必要的預防措施 例如 更換電源插座 Plug in the power cord firmly Connect the plug to power socket firmly Poor or loose connection will cause malfunction of the refrigerator Take necessary precautions such as replacement of power socket if poor or loose connection is observed 請抓住指定位置 搬運時請從冰箱底部抬起 如果不抓住此指定位置 您的 手可能會打滑 導致受傷 Ho...

Page 5: ...ooling 去除結露和結霜 去除冰箱內部附著的水滴 霜 冰 或結露 冰箱內部附著的水滴 霜 冰 或結露會在數日後 自行消失 或者可用溫水浸濕的布將其擦除後 再 用乾布擦拭 Dispose dew and frost Remove water droplets frost icing or dew attached in the inner compartment A water drop frost icing or dew attached to the inside of the refrigerator will disappear by itself in a few days Or it can be taken away manually by wiping with a dry cloth after wiping off with a warm water moisten...

Page 6: ...the power socket and leave all doors open 資訊 壓縮機放熱 在正常工作情況下 冰箱的壓縮機會向外放出熱量 請注意這 不是故障 冰箱外壁上的熱量 冰箱的冷凝器裝於冰箱的外壁內 並將熱量散到室內 在正常 工作時 冰箱外壁的溫度可能會很高 這並非故障 冰箱的運轉 初次接通電源或環境溫度變高時 冰箱表面可能會變熱 或壓 縮機發出噪音 冰箱進入穩定狀態後 就會正常運轉 INFORMATION Heat Generation by the Compressor The refrigerator compressor will generate heat during normal operation Note that this is not a malfunction Heat on Refrigerator Walls The condenser is b...

Page 7: ...d inlet of the cool air circulation with food or containers otherwise the food will be frozen or will not be cooled consistently throughout refrigerator 冰箱細節圖和零部件 REFRIGERATOR DETAILS AND PARTS 中央位置 Middle position MIN 位置 MIN position MAX 位置 MAX position 溫度控制冷凍室旋鈕 Temperature control freezer dial 溫度控制冷藏室旋鈕 Temperature control refrigerator dial 快速冷凍控制鈕 Quick freezing control button 節能模式控制鈕 Eco mode...

Page 8: ...ress ECO MODE again the icon disappears Note While entering the energy saving mode the temperature inside the freezer compartment will raise over the preset temperature for approximately 1 2 C The performance of energy saving depends on the application conditions temperature control outside temperature the frequency of opening closing the door food amount This function should be disable if you fee...

Page 9: ...臭裝置 GR HG55TDZ GR HG52TDZ LED HYBRID Deodorizer Unit GR HG55TDZ GR HG52TDZ LED 混合除臭裝置安裝於滑動擱架後方 這項嶄新裝置包含 下列部分 第一是能消除細菌並除臭的光觸媒 第二是能消 除細菌並分解乙烯氣體的光觸媒 第三是內建的 LED 裝置 這些光觸媒接收 LED 燈的光線 能從冷空氣當中的濕氣產生 羥基 羥基能破壞細菌的活性 分解會促使蔬菜老化的乙烯 氣體 並能除臭 資訊 請將氣味強烈的食物貯藏在密封容器中 LED HYBRID Deodorizer Unit is installed behind sliding shelf This new device consists as follows The first one is a photocatalyst effective for bacteria e...

Page 10: ...outside of the refrigerator 有時冰箱外面會結露 特別是在如梅雨季節這樣的高濕度的情 況下 這如同冷水注入杯內時杯子周圍會形成水滴一樣的原 理 這並非故障 冰箱外有結露時 請用乾布將其擦拭乾淨 Sometimes moisture may form on the outside of the refrigerator particularly when humidity is high such as during the rainy season This is just the same as moisture forming on a glass which contains cold water and is not indicative of a malfunction If moisture forms inside the refrigerator ...

Page 11: ...s are explained here Replace each part in reverse order For part removal open the door fully Precaution Please beware of dangers from falling objects while removing and assembling 定期保養 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 為了保證您的東芝冰箱的最長使用壽命 請定期清潔其部件 要正確 操作 請仔細閱讀以下文章 清潔時 請確保將冰箱的插頭從插座中拔出 並當心不要拉扯電線或使其 纏在冰箱下面 請勿將水直接澆在冰箱上 To ensure the maximum life of your Toshiba Refrigerator periodically clean its parts For proper in...

Page 12: R600a g Refrigerant R600a g Total Freezer Refrigerator 505 130 375 760 739 1848 84 70 468 130 338 760 739 1748 82 70 505 130 375 760 739 1848 76 70 468 130 338 760 739 1748 75 70 ఢॾܑ 機型 容量 升 合 計 冷 凍 室 冷 藏 室 外型尺寸 寬 x 深 x 高 mm 頻率 Hz 電壓 V 淨重 kg 製冷劑量 110V 60Hz 110V 60Hz 110V 60Hz 110V 60Hz 總體積 GR HG52TDZ GR H52TBZ GR HG55TDZ GR H55TBZ ...
