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C L I E N T   & M O B I L E   M A N AG E M E N T



Inventory virtually any 
system, including Windows,
UNIX, Linux, NetWare,
Macintosh, and handheld
and network devices


Improve application 
supportability and reduce 
support costs


Reduce cost and complexity
associated with application 
and OS rollouts and updates


Mobile-friendly features 
include reporting of delta
changes, a cache and forward
design, and over-the-wire
data compression


Extend management 
capabilities as business 
grows, matures, and 
business needs change




Inventory Solution


C O M P R E H E N S I V E   H A R D WA R E  A N D   S O F T WA R E  


To effectively manage your enterprise, you need 
an accurate and thorough inventory of your 
desktops, servers, notebooks, handhelds, and 
network devices. Knowing what you have and
where it’s located empowers you to reduce IT
support costs, protect your network, improve 
success of software deployments, and focus on
higher-level objectives.


It’s no longer a complicated and time-consuming
undertaking to gather detailed hardware and 
software assessment across your enterprise.
Inventory Solution provides a comprehensive
assessment of your discoverable assets supporting
virtually any platform, including Windows







, Macintosh


, NetWare


, Palm




, and 

network devices.The solution provides you with
the foundation you need to achieve your asset 
management goals by allowing you to aggregate
data across your environment so you can quickly
and easily generate software audit reports, assess
security vulnerabilities, and more accurately 
determine hardware needs and availability.


With Inventory Solution you can improve 
application supportability and reduce support costs.
The solution allows you to identify unique applications
and versions across your enterprise so you can
quickly determine which systems are out of 
compliance with corporate standards. In addition,
by identifying unauthorized software, you can
decrease your exposure to system incompatibilities
and security and virus threats. Inventory Solution
also includes hundreds of pre-packaged Web
reports making hardware and software inventory
readily available to your help desk and IT support
staff so they can easily troubleshoot and better
forecast future problems.


Inventory Solution helps you reduce the cost and
complexity associated with application and OS 
rollouts and updates. Use the solution and built-in
Web reports to quickly and easily identify hardware
that requires upgrading or replacement and more
accurately target application and OS updates.


With Altiris you not only benefit from 
comprehensive integration with its powerful suites
and solutions, you also gain the no-hassle benefits
of a single-vendor, which reduces training and 
support costs.You also benefit from a faster return
on investment and a lower total cost of ownership
than a best-of-breed approach. Inventory Solution
is a component of the Altiris extensible management
architecture (EMA), so you benefit from native 
integration with Altiris help desk, asset management,
and software management solutions, making it easy
to extend capabilities as your business grows and
matures and your business needs change.

Inventory Solution serves as the first step in 
gaining deeper control over your organization's
hardware and software assets. For example, by
upgrading to Altiris


Asset Management Suite


Client Management Suite

, or Server Management


, Inventory Solution allows you to correlate

application installation information with Altiris
application usage and contract administration data
to provide complete software license management.
By optimizing your software license environment,
your organization can benefit from dramatic cost
savings from harvesting unused license, reducing
maintenance and support contract renewals, and
more accurate planning for future software needs.




Inventory Solution


reduces the cost of identifying and managing 

heterogeneous devices throughout your enterprise. Easily track comprehensive
hardware information, installed software packages, and operating system settings
for all IT assets throughout their lifecycle. Data is normalized, consolidated, and
secured in a central repository, enabling detailed reporting of asset information
from the convenience of a Web console.
