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  ZX   80820487

Summary of Contents for LC-200

Page 1: ...USERS MANUAL LC 200 DOT MATRIX PRINTER ZX 80820487 ...


Page 3: ...nters marketed in West Germany Trademark Acknowledgements LC 200 NX 1OOO LC 10 ND 10 15 StarMicronicsCo Ltd IBM PC PC AT PC XT Proprinter 111 Proprinter II PC DOS International BusinessMachines Coro Mi oaoft BASIC MS DOS MicrosoftCorporaticm FX 850 EX 800 LX 850 LX 81O Seiko Epson Corp NOTICE Alf rights resewed Reproductionof any partof this manualin any form whatsoeverwidrout STAR s expresspermis...

Page 4: ...apter 2 Controlpaneloperations There are a numberof controlson the frontpanelwhichperformvarious functionsrelatedto paperhandling printmodesand fontselection Aftergettingsetup readthischapterandtry outthe variousproceduresin it to findouthowthe printerworks Chapter 3 Defaultsettings ThischapterexplainshowtousetheElectronicDIPSwitch EDS modeto makesystemsettingson the printer Chapter 4 Printercontr...

Page 5: to demonstratethe capabilitiesof the printer Chapter 7 Troubleshootingandmaintenance Thissectiongivesachecklistofpointstocheckifyourpnnteris notworking in the expectedway It alsoincludesdetailsof someroutinemaintenance operationsyoucancarryoutyourself Itisnot however acompleteservice manual Callaqualifiedserviceengineerifyouareunsureofyourabilityto carryout any maintenanceor semicingoperations ...

Page 6: ...andbeeptonesprovideimmedi ate feedbackwhen you press the buttonson the controlpanel The five buttons can operate in combinationsto perform a surprisingvariety of functions includingmicro alignment Easy care andmaintenance The ribbon cartridgecan be replacedin secondsthe print head in a few minutes Versatilepaperhandling Singlesheets fanfoldforms andmulti partforms uptoquadruple ply are all accepte...

Page 7: ...fomtherearof theprinter Loadingthepaperffomthebottomof theprinter Paperparking Paperunparking LoadingMulti PartForms AdjustingthePrintingGap Chapter 2 CONTROL PANEL OPERATIONS Buttons andIndicators ONLINEbutton PAPERFEEDbutton SET E JECT PARK button PITCHbutton FONTbutton Power UpFunctions Shorttestmode Longtestmode Printareatestmode Stayin panelpitch Stayin panelfont Stayinpanelpitchandfont Hexad...

Page 8: ...ommands DownloadCharacterCommands ColorSelectionCommandes OtherPrinterControlCommands Chapter 5 DOWNLOAD CHARACTERS DesigningYourOwnDraftCharacters Definingtheattributedata Assigningthecharacterdata Sampleprogram DefiningYourOwnNLQCharacters AssigningthecharacterdatawiththeStandardmode AssigningthecharacterdatawiththeIBMmode Chapter 6 MS DOS AND YOUR PRINTER InstallingApplicationSoftwarewithYourPr...

Page 9: ...haracter Set l Standard Character Set 2 International Character Sets IBMCharacter Set 2 Codepage 437 U S A Codepage 850 Multi lingual Codepage 860 Portuguese Codepage 861 Icelandic Codepage 863 Canadian French Codepage 865 Nordic IBMCharacter Set 1 IBMSpecial Character Set INDEX 107 107 108 108 110 113 113 115 119 120 122 123 124 124 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 COMMAND SUMMARY 136 ...

Page 10: ...s etc Awayfromexcessivehumidity Awayfromexcessivedust Supplyit with clean electricity Donotconnectit tothe samecircuitas a large noise producingappliancesuchas a refrigerator Make sure the line voltage is the voltage specified on the printer s identificationplate To disconnectthe printertheplughas to be disconnectedfromthe wall socket whichhasto be locatedcloseto the printer andeasyto access Insta...

Page 11: ...re1 1to makesurethatyouhaveeverything thereshould be sevenitems If anyof theseitemsaremissing contactyoursupplier FigureI I Check to make sure you have all seven items 1 Printer 2 Paper guide 3 Roller unit 4 Platen knob 5 Color ribbon cartridge 6 Monochrome ribbon cartridge and 7 Manual set User s manual User s guide and Sticker ...

Page 12: ... 1 2 Figure 7 2 The printer s external parts Roller unit Release lever Top cover Rear cover Entry slot Control panel Power switch Interface connector holdsthe paperagainstthe platen releasestheplaten ThisIevermustbebackfor singlesheets andforwardfor fanfoldforms protectstheprintheadandotherinternalparts protectsthe tractorfeedmechanism for insertingsinglesheetsof paper controlsvariousprinterfuncti...

Page 13: ...ssofthe whitefoampackingmaterial whichheldyourprinterinsidethecarton Be sureto removetheknobfrom the packaging Mountthe knobon the platenshaft whichis on the right handsideof the printer Rotatethe knob on the shaft before pushingthe knob fully into position 1 Figure 1 3 Mounting the platen knob Installtheribboncartridgeand therollerunit Removethe topcoverbyliftingup the front usingthe two gripson ...

Page 14: ... on the ribbon cartridge to tighten the ribbon if it is slack 2 Guide the ribbonbetweenthe Printhead and the silverprinthead shield making certain that the spindles on the cartridge holder fit into the cketson the cartridge itself Figure 1 5 Instelliflg the ribbon cartridge ...

Page 15: ...uhaveinstalledthe ribboncartridge installthe rollerunit Openthe rear coverusingthe two gripson eitherside Grippingthelockleversonbothsidesoftherollerunit fitthemounting bracketsontothe shaftinsideof the printermechanism You willneed to tilt the rollerunit slightlybackward Secure the roller unit firmly by loweringinto position as shown in Figure 1 7 Closethe rearcover 6 ...

Page 16: ...losethe cover Leavethe top coverclosedduringnormaloperation The coverkeepsout dustanddirtandreducestheprinter soperatingsounds Openthecoveronly to changethe ribbonor makean adjustment NOTE When you remove the color ribbon cartridge press the ribbon releasecatchtowardyouwithyourindexfinger Oncetheribbonis freeof the printhead the cartridgeliftsout easily ...

Page 17: ...onnectoris given in Chapter 8 should you need a cable for connectingto another computer If youneedto connectto a serialport usetheoptionalSerial Parallelcon verter SPC 8K Interface cable Figure 1 8 Connecting the interface cable Plug the printer into a suitable outlet However DO NOT turn on the power switch at the front of the printer yet NOTE To disconnect the printer the plug has to be disconnec...

Page 18: ...omatic loading 1 Place the paper guide in position by inserting the tabs located on the bottomof the assembly intothe slotson the rearcoverof the printer Figure 1 9 Mounting the paper guide for single sheets 2 Adjustthepaperguidestomatchthe sizeofthepaperyou willbeusing Rememberthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromtheleft handedge of the carriage 3 Turnonthepowerusingtheswitchlocatedatthefrontofth...

Page 19: ...ichyou wanttoprinttowardsthebackoftheprinter Gentlypushthepaperdown in the guidesuntil youfeelit stop Nowpressthe S A ICT button Thepaperwillbefedintotheprinter and adjustedpastthe printheadto a positionreadyforprinting If youwantto setthepapertoadifferentposition settheprinteroff line by pressingthe ONLINE button then set the paper by using the micro feedfunction Fordetails referto Chapter2 lever...

Page 20: ...erguidesto matchthe size of paper you willbe using Rememberthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromtheleft handedge of the carriage 4 Placea singlesheetbetweenthe guides placingthe sideon whichyou wanttoprinttowardsthebackoftheprinter Gentlypushthepaperdown in theguidesuntilyoufeelit stop 5 Turntheplatenknobclockwiseuntilthe frontedgeof the papercomes out fromunderthe top cover 6 If the paper is not ...

Page 21: ...ear of theprinter Youcanloadthefanfoldpapereitherfromtherearorfromthebottomofthe printer If youaregoingto loadthepaperfromthebottom refertothenext section 1 Placeastackoffanfoldpaperbehindandatleastonepage lengthbelow the printer 2 Turnthe printer spowerOFF 3 Pushthe releaseleverforward Thishastheeffectofreleasingthepaper fromthe platenroller and engagingthe tractorfeed 4 Removethe paperguideandpu...

Page 22: ...torunitas shownin Figure1 12 Figure 1 12 Movethe tractor units downwards for loading the paper from the rear 7 Withthetractorcovers open mount the paperby aligning holes withthe pinson the tractorunit Tractor cover P Ie er Figure 1 73 Mount the fanfold paper over the tractor units 13 ...

Page 23: ...witchlocatedatthefrontoftheprinter The printerwillbeep indicatingthat the paperis not yet fullyloaded The orangePOWER indicatorwill alsoflashto confirm this 11 Nowpressthe C L A dEcT button Thepaperwillbe fedand adjusted past theprinthead to apositionreadyforprinting 12 Ifyouwanttosetthepaperto adifferentposition setthepnnteroff line by pressingthe ONLINE button then set the paper by using the mic...

Page 24: ...s shownin Figure 1 15 POsitiOninglever Figure 1 75 Pull up the tractor unit for bottom feeding 4 5 6 Place a stack of fanfold paper below the printer With the tractor covers open mount the paper from the bottom of the printer by aligning holes with the pins on the tractor unit Adjust the spacingof the tractor unitsby sIidingthem alongthe bar using the clamp lever at the back of each unit to releas...

Page 25: ... on a single sheet The printer will park it for you if you follow the procedure below 1 To begin paper parking start with power ON fanfold paper loaded in printing position andthe releaseleverforward 2 Pressthe ON LINE buttononthecontrolpanelto settheprinteroff line ONLINE indicator willturnoff 3 Tearoff the printedformat thelastperforation leavingnot morethan abouthalf a pageshowingabovethe top c...

Page 26: ... youhaveloadedit fromthe bottomof the printer Paperunparking Whenyouwant to resume using fanfoldpaper theprocedureis asfollows 1 Remove all single sheets from the printer 2 Mount the paper guide in the horizontal position 3 Move the release lever to the front 4 Press the TM button The printer will automatically feed the parked fanfold paper back into position for printing NOTE Theprinterbeepsinter...

Page 27: ...ferto Chapter3 It isrecommended touseformsjointedbydottedorpastingunderthenormal officecondition Multi part forms should be pressure sensitive and should not be used in the friction feed Bottom feed with the pull tractor is recommended NOTE Whenprintingcontinuousmulti partforms care shouldbe taken as the edgesof thepapermightbe damaged The tolerance between the dotted or pasted position and other ...

Page 28: ...fthePrinter mechanism Pushing the adjustmentlever backwardsnarrows the gap pullingit forwardswidensthe gap There are five positions and you can feel the lever clickinginto each position Thesecondpositionfromtherearistheonemostcommonlyused for single sheetsof paper Try differentpositionsuntil you get the best printingresults Do not setthe leverout of the markedpositions I Figure 1 17 Location of th...

Page 29: ...ommended Each paper Total Lever position 52 82 0 07 0 10 2nd Single 83 90 0 11 0 12 3rd 2 ply 40 58 0 12 0 16 3rd 0 18 0 20 3rd 3 ply 40 58 0 21 0 25 4ttl 0 24 0 26 4th 4 ply 40 58 0 27 0 30 5th NOTE Pressuresensitivepaperis recommendedforthe multi partpaper Multi partmode is recommendedwhen using the 4 ply paper Referto Chapter3 20 ...

Page 30: ...low forwardandreverse Park fanfoldforms Setthe top of formposition Selectthe printpitch Selecta font Printtestpatterns Preventsoftwarefromchangingthe panelpitchand font selections Printa hexadecimaldump Clearthe printer sbuffer Changetheprintcolor Storemacrodefinition BUTTONS AND INDICATORS Theprinteris equippedwithfivebuttonsonthe controlpanel Fromleftto right they are IEZID and EEED sm ler butto...

Page 31: ... performing the panel operation s pressthe ONLINE buttonagainto go backon line To pauseduringprinting If you press the ONLINE button duringprinting the printer stops printingandgoesoff line allowingyouto checkthe printoutor change acontrolpanelsetting Printingresumeswhenyoupressthe ONLINE buttonagainto go backon line To cut fanfoldformsat the endofpnnting Whenusingfanfoldforms youcanholdthe ONLINE...

Page 32: ...oadingifthepaperhas not loadedwhilein the off linestate If the paperhas beenloaded this buttonresultsin differentfunctionsde pendingon the positionof the releaselever If the releaseleveris forwardfor fanfoldforms pressingthisbuttonparks the forms If the releaseleveris backfor singlesheets pressingthisbuttonejectsthe paper PITCHbutton Thisbuttonallowsyoutoselecttheprintingpitch Rememberthattheprint...

Page 33: ...e selectionscyclein the followingorder Font Indicator s Draft Sanserif Courier Orator script High Speed Draft DRAFT DRAFT COURIER COURIER COURIER SCRIPT SCRIPT HSDRAFT TheOratorfontisuniqueintwoways First itislarger higher thantheother fonts whichmakesit agoodchoiceforlabelsandothertextrequiringhigh visibility You will need a little extra line spacingwhen Orator is used Second the Oratorfontprints...

Page 34: ...up functions of control panel Shorttestmode If the printer is turned on while the c ONLINE button is pressed the printerwillentertheshortself testmode Theprinterwillprinttheversion numberof theprinter sROM followedby sevenlinesof the characterset Eachline willbe offsetby one characterfromthe one beforeit The final resultwillbesomethinglikeFigure2 3 Ifthecolorribbonisused eachline printsin a differ...

Page 35: ...sed the printerwillenterthelongself testmode Theprinterwillprinttheversion numberoftheprinter sROMandthecurrentEDSsettings followedbythe wholecharactersetprintedin eachfontandpitchavailable The test cyclesendlessly so youmustturnthe poweroff to stopit Figure 24 Long self test ...

Page 36: ...can onlybeselectedfromthecontrolpanel Thispreventssoftwareinterference You willhear an acknowledging beep as powercomeson Afterthebeeptone youcansettheprinteroff line selectaprintpitch then returnto on lineandstartprinting Thepitchyouselectedwillnot be reset or otherwisechangedby anycommandsyoursoftwaremay issue Stayin PanelFont Byholdingthe buttonduringpower up fontscanonlybe selected fromthecont...

Page 37: ...ED and EJMCT lbuttons down turn powerON A beeptonewillbe heard Beginprinting In placeof the usualprintoutyou will get a formatted dumpshowingexactlywhatdatatheprinterreceives Eachlinepresents sixteencharacters theirhexadecimalcodestotheleftandprintablechar actersprintedon the right At the end of the hexadecimaldump set the printeroff linewith the ON LINE button Thisis necessaryto printthe lastline...

Page 38: gets special treatment the interpreterdoes not send it at all This can cause problemswithgraphicsordownloadcharacterdata However youcansolve thisproblemby changingline 20 in theprecedingprogramandaddingthe codingshownbelow Codingfor IBM PCwithmonochromedisplay 20 GOSUB 100 100 X INP H3BP IF X 128 THEN 100 110 OUT H3BC I OUT H3BE 5 OUT H3BE 4 120 RETURN Codingfor IBM PCwithcoloradapter 20 GOSUB ...

Page 39: the topof the nextpage 1 2 3 Pressthe C ONLINE j buttonto setthe printeroff line Pressthe CPAPER FEED buttonandholdit down Theprinterwillstart performingsuccessiveline feeds Whileholdingthe PAPERFEED buttondown presstheC ON LINE button then releaseboth buttons at the same time The printer will smoothlyejectthe currentpage Topof form Whenyoupowerontheprinter thetop of formpositionisautomatically...

Page 40: ...entsin reverse to returnto a higherpositionon the samepage NOTE Withfanfoldforms donottrytoreturnto apreviouspage Theper forationmay catchinsidethe printerandcauseajam 1 Pressthe ON LINE buttonto setthe printeroff line 2 Press the ONLINE buttonagainandhold it down 3 Whileholdingthe ONLINE buttondown pressthe Sk AE T button Thepaperwillstartmovingbackwardsina seriesof smallsteps Whenyouwantto stop ...

Page 41: ...ttonto set the printeroff line Printingwill now stop but theremaybe data remainingin the buffer Press and holdthe ON LINE button While pressing the ON LINE button down press and hold the button Continueholdingthesetwobuttonsdown Inone second you willheara beeptonesignalingthat the bufferhas beencleared If youholdthesebuttonsmorethreeseconds youwillhearthreebeep tones signalingthat the printer has ...

Page 42: ...acroDefinition You can store the current settingsto the printer for later usc with the followingprocedure 1 2 3 4 Pressthe ONLINE buttonto settheprinteroff line Pressthe buttonandholdit down Whileholdingthe buttondown press the _ buttonand holdthemdownuntilyouheartwobeeptones Releasebothbuttonsat thesametimeafterthe twobeeptonesto store thecurrentsetting If youreleasethesebuttonsafterthreebeeptone...

Page 43: ...34 ...

Page 44: ...Pm PAPERFEED and ON LINE buttons In EDSmode the indicatorsandthe buttonson the controlpanelareused as shownbelowin Figure3 1 Usethe buttonto selecttheBankNumber Oneofthe FONT indi catorswillilluminateto showthe selectedBankNumber Usethe button to selecttheSwitchNumber Oneofthe PITCH in dicatorswillilluminateto showthe selectedSwitchNumber The QUIET indicatorshowsthe currentsetting If youwantto set...

Page 45: ...bled B 2 Paper outDetector Enabled Disabled B 3 Tearoff Disabled Enabled I BJ4 I Reservai I LeaveON I t i c 1 PrintMode c 2 Seebelow c 3 PageLength Seebelow c 4 D 1 CharacterTable Standardmode Graphics Italics IBMmode Set 2 Set l D 2 IBMCodepageor D 3 International Character Seebelow D 4 Set Switch A 1 Do you want to use the printer in Standardmode or IBM mode Selectthe modecompatiblewithyourcompu...

Page 46: ...ON If you get doubleline spacingwhenyou expectsinglespacing or if lines overprinteachother try changingthe settingof this switch Switch A 4 Are yougoingto usethe automaticsheetfeeder ASF In ordertousetheautomaticsheetfeederSF 1ODN movethisswitchtothe OFFposition Otherwiseleaveit ON Switch B 1 Are yougoingto printon multi partpaper Youcanuseupto 3 plypaperwhenthisswitchis ON If youwantto print orI4...

Page 47: ... ON OFF 8 inches OFF ON 12inches OFF OFF Switch D 1 The actionof this switchdependson the mode chosenwith switchA 1 If you selected Standard mode do you want italic or graphic characters Move this switchOFFto print italicsin the Standardcharacterset If you leave this switch in the ON position in place of italics you will get the graphiccharactem internationalcharacters andmathematicalsymbolsof IBM...

Page 48: ...3 D 4 Country D 2 D 3 D 4 U S A ON ON ON Denmark I ON ON OFF France OFT ON ON Sweden OFF ON OFF Gen nany ON OFF ON Italy ON OFF OFF England OFF OFF ON SpainI OFF OFF OFF Exceptin the StandardItaliccharacterset theseswitchesselectthedefauIt charactercodepage as shownbelow IBMCodePage D 2 D 3 D 4 IBMCodePage D 2 D 3 D 4 437U S A 863 ON ON ON CmadianFrench ON ON OFF 850 Multi lingual OFF ON ON 865 No...

Page 49: ...aper forwards and backwardsduring this operation allowingyouto viewthepaperfor optimumalignment 3 To adjustthepnnting usethe A S T 1 and PAPERFEED buttons The sEJAc I button will move the second pass to the left The PAPERFEED buttonwillmovethe secondpassto the right CURRENT o CURRENT 1 CPAPEB FEED CURRENT o l llllllll ll l 4 Whenthetwopassesarealignedwitheachotherto formonecontinuous line the bidi...

Page 50: ...rolcommands Somecommandsare commontoboththestandardandIBMmodes Inthedescriptions ofthecom mands all commandswillbe categorizedby function The name of each commandis followedby a tablelikethe one below IModel ASCII Decimal I Hexadecimal I std ESC X 1 27120 49 IB 78 31 ESC x 1 27120 1 IB 78 01 Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Indicatesthemodeinwhichthecommandisrecog nized Std Standardmode EDSswitchA 1...

Page 51: ...cimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC I l 27 73 49 IB 49 31 ESC I 1 27 73 1 16 49 01 Changestodraftqualitycharactemwithelitepitch 12cpi Ignored if the or RTCiT buttonwas pressedduringpower up SelectAU characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC X l std 27120 49 IB 78 31 ESC x 1 27120 1 IB 78 01 ESC I 2 27 73 50 IB 49 32 IBM ESC I 2 27 73 2 IB 49 02 ESC I 3 27 73 51 IB 49 33 ESC I 3 27 73 3 IB 49 03 Changesf...

Page 52: ...tor Select Couriercharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both F O 40407041 41 48 28 28 46 29 29 30 ChangestotheCourierNLQfont Ignoredifthe TGNT button was pressedduringpower up SelectSanserlfcharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal B9th F l 40 40 70 41 41 49 28 2846 28 29 31 ChangestotheSanserifNLQfont Ignoredifthe R5NT buttonwas pressedduringpower up SelectScriptcharacters Mode ASCII Decimal ...

Page 53: ...alic characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC I VT 27 73 11 IB 49 OB Causes subsequentcharactersto be printed in italics with NLQ charact m Ignoredifthe TGNT buttonwaspressedduringpower up Selectuprightcharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC 5 27 53 IB 35 Stopsitalicprintingandcausessubsequentcharacterstobe printed upright Emphasizedprinting Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both E...

Page 54: ...oldprint useofdouble strikeis recommendedinNLQmode and combined use of emphasized and double strikeis recom mendedin draftmode Double strikecannotbe usedwith superscriptsor subscripts Canceldouble strikeprinting Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC H 27 72 IB 46 Cancelsdouble strikeprinting Startunderlining Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC l 27 45 49 IB 2D 31 ESC 1 27 45 1 IB 2D 01 Cause...

Page 55: ...not overlined Stopwerlining Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM pc 0 27 95 48 IB 5F 30 ESC O 27 95 0 IB 5F 00 Stopsoverlining Superscript Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC S O 27 83 48 IB 53 30 ESC S O 27 83 D IB 53 00 Causessubsequentcharacterstobeprintedassuperscripts Doesnot changethe characterpitch Subscript Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Boti ESC S l 27 83 49 IB 53 31 ESC S 1 27 83 1 IB ...

Page 56: ...6 0 IB 74 IX Selectsthe standardcharacterset This is the power updefaultin Standardmodeif EDS switchD 1 is OFF SelectIBM characterset Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC t l 27116 49 IB 74 31 ESC t 1 27116 1 IB 74 01 Selectsan IBMcharacterset Thisis the power updefaultin IBM mode Selectcharacterset 1 Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 7 27 55 IB 37 Selectscharacterset 1 Selectcharacterset...

Page 57: 7 SpainI 64 Legal The firsteightof thesecharactersets fromU S A to SpainI can be selectedas power updefaultsby EDS switchesD 2 to D 4 SelectIBM codepage Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC T 4 o 27 91 84 4 0 IB 5B 54 04 00 O O nl d o 0 d d 00 00 nl d Changesthe codepageof the currentIBMcharacterset according to thevaluesof nl and n2 d n2 CodeDa e 1 181 3 82 3 92 3 93 3 95 3 97 These code pa...

Page 58: ...odewith no assignedcharacteris received theprinterprintsa space Enable printing of all character codes on next character Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC A 27 94 IB 5E This commandoperateslike ES A exceptthat it remainsin effectfor onlyone character Selectslashzero Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC l 27126 49 IB 7E 31 ESC 1 27126 1 IB 7E 01 Causessubsequentzero charactersto be overprint...

Page 59: ...redifthe Fi7CR buttonwaspressedduringpower up Elitepitch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC M 27 77 IB 4D IBM Esc 27 58 IB 3A Changesfrompicatoelitepitch 12cpi or fromcondensedpicato condensedelite 20cpi Ignoredif the button waspressed duringpower up Condensedprinting Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both Sb 15 OF ESC S 27 15 IB OF Changesfrom pica to condensedpica 17 cpi or from elite to conden...

Page 60: ...31 ESC W 1 27 87 1 IB 57 01 Causessubsequentcharactersto be expandedto doublewidth Cancelexpandedprinting Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC W O 27 87 48 IB 57 30 ESC W O 27 87 0 IB 57 00 Stopsexpandedprintingand returnsto normalwidth Expandedprintingfor one line Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both so 14 OE ESC SO 27 14 IB OE Causessubsequentcharactersin thecurrentlineto be expandedto doublew...

Page 61: ...ionallyspaced Ignored if the FiT5i7 buttonwas pressedduringpower up Selectfixedspacing Model ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal 1 Std ESC p O 27112 48 IB 70 30 ESC p o 27112 0 IB 70 00 IBM ESC P 0 27 80 0 IB 50 00 Causessubsequentcharacten to be printed with fixed character spacing Ignoredifthe Fi7Ni buttonwaspressedduringpower up Selectmasterprint mode Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC n 27 33 n 16 2...

Page 62: std ESC SP n 27 32 n IB 2U n Increasesthespacebetweencharactersby n 240 inches wherenis a numberfromOto 127 Usedin microjustification Selectdoubleor quadruplesize Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC h n 27104 n IB 68 n Selectsthe size of subsequentcharactersas shownbelow Extra highcharactemalignalongthe cap lineof normalcharacters with thebaselinetemporarilymovingdown Linespacingistemporaril...

Page 63: ... and condensedptinting modes but these modes resume when the printerreturnsto normalheight Print double heightcharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC W l 27119 49 IB 77 31 ESC W 1 27119 1 IB 77 01 Printssubsequentcharactersat doubleheightwithoutmovingthe base line and without changing the line spacing Temporarily cancelssuper subscriptandcondensedprintingmodes Returnto normalheight Mode ...

Page 64: ...cterheight Unchanged Singleheight Doubleheight Unchanged Singleheight Doubleheight Unchanged Singleheight Doubleheight Characterwidth Singlewidth sameas cESC W O Doublewidth sameas ESG W 1 Double heightcharactersare alwaysprintedat near letterquality Doubleheightprintingtemporarilycancelsthesuper subscript d condensedprinting modes but these modes resume when the printerreturnsto normalheight VERT...

Page 65: ...Setsthedistancethepaperadvancesor reversesin subsequentline feeds to n 216 inch where n is betweenOand 255 If n O in Standardmodetheline feeddistanceis setto O but in IBMmode this commandis ignored Set line spacington 72inch Mode ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecimal I BothI ESC A n I 27 65 n I IB 41 n I In Standardmode setsthedistancethepaperadvancesor reverses insubsequentlinefeedsto n 72inch wherenisbe...

Page 66: ...e precedingcommandsfor the line spacing Reverseline feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC LF 27 10 IB OA IBM 1 ESC 27 93 IB 5D Printsthecurnmtlineandfeedsthepaperinthereversedirectionto the preceding line See the preceding commands for the line spacing Ignoredwhenfrictionfeedis used Performonen 216 inchline feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC J n 27 74 n IB 4A n Feedsthepaperoncebyn...

Page 67: ...1 n Feedsthepapern linesfromthecurrentline wheren isbetweenO and 127 Set top ofpage at currentposition Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC 4 27 52 16 34 Setsthe currentpositionasthetop of pageposition Notethatthis can alsobe donefromthe controlpanel Setpage lengthton lines Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC C n 27 67 n 16 43 n Setsthe pagelengthto n linesin thecurrentline spacing wheren is...

Page 68: ...hebottommarginto n lines wheren isbetween1and 127in Standardmodeor between1 and255 in IBM mode The bottom marginis resetwhenyouchangethe pagelength Cancelbottommargin Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC O 27 79 IB 4F Cancelsthe bottom margin Formfeed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both FF 12 Oc Feedsthepaperto thetopof thenextpageaccordingtothe current pagelength andmovestheprintpositionto the...

Page 69: ...xadecimal Both ESC 9 27 57 IB 39 Causesthe printer to stop printingbefore the end of the paper Overridesthe settingof EDS switchB 2 Set verticaltabstops Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC B nl nz 0 2766 nl d 0 IB 42nl z2 CO Cancelsallcurrentverticaltabstopsandsetsnewverticaltabstops atlinesnl n2 etc wheren n2 etc arenumbersbetween1and 255 A maximumof 16verticaltab stopscanbe set The tab stops...

Page 70: ...altabstopsinthischannel A channelis a set of verticaltab stops selectedby the ESC command See ESC B forparametersnl n2 0 Select verticaltabchannel Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC r nO 27 47 nO IB 2F no Selectsa setof verticaltab stopsdesignatedby a channelnumber nO fromOto7 Thetabstopsineachchannelaresetby ESC b Verticaltab Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both VT 11 OB Feeds the paper to the...

Page 71: ...sedelite Expandedpica Expandedelite Expandedcondensedpica Expandedcondensedelite Set rightmargin Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC Q n 27 81 n IB 51 n Setstherightmarginatcolumnninthecurrentcharacterpitch pica pitch if proportionalspacing is currently selected Column n becomesthelastcharacterpositionintheline Therightmargindoes not moveif the characterpitchis changedlater The rightmargin must...

Page 72: ...ine feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC 5 1 27 53 1 IB 35 01 Causesthe printerto performboth a carriagereturnandline feed each time it receivesa CR code This commandtakes priority overEDS switchA 3 Cancelautomatic inefeed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC 5 O 27 53 0 IB 35 W Causestheprintertoperformonlyacarnagereturnwhenit receives a CR code ThiscommandtakespriorityoverEDS switchA 3 ...

Page 73: ...a l 27 97 49 IB 61 31 ESC a 1 27 97 1 IB 61 01 Centerssubsequenttextbetweentheleft andrightmargins Rightjustify Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC a 2 27 97 50 IB 61 32 ESC a 2 27 97 2 IB 61 02 Alignssubsequent textwiththerightmargin leavingtheleftmargin ragged Fulljustify Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC a 3 27 97 51 IB 61 33 ESC a 3 27 97 3 IB 61 03 Alignssubsequenttextbetweenthe left ...

Page 74: ...e To clearalltab stops specify ESC D 0 Set horizontaltab stopseveryn columns Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC e O n 27101 48 n IB 65 30 n ESC e O n 27101 0 n IB 65 00 n Cancelsallcurrenthorizontaltabstopsandsetsnewtabstopsevery n columns wheren is between1 and 127 Resetall tab stops Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal lwl 1 ESC R 27 82 IB 52 Resetsthehorizontaltab stopsto theirpower upvaluesin wh...

Page 75: ...l andn2areobtained by subtractingthe valuefrom 65536 and dividingthe resultinto high andlow bytes Absolutehorizontaltabin inches Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC nl n2 27 36 nl d IB 24 nl n2 Setsthenextprintpositionto d n2x 256 60inchesfromtheleft marginon the currentline Ignoredif this positionis beyondthe rightmargin Themaximumpositionis 8 inches Absolutehorizontaltabin columns Mode ASCII ...

Page 76: ...esmustbe nl n2x 256 Dotsbeyondthe rightmarginareignored Attheendofbit imageprintingtheprinter returnsautomaticallyto charactermode Printdouble density8 bitgraphics Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC L nl n2 27 76 nl n2 IB 4C nl d ml m2 ml d ml d Printsbit imagegraphicsat 120dotsper inchhorizontally maxi mum960dots wide SeecESC K for otherinformation Printdouble density double speed8 bitgraphi...

Page 77: ...hicsin this mode See ESC K for informationon n n2 ml m2 M Graphicsmode O Normal density 60dotsper inch 1 Double density 2 Double density double speed 3 Quadruple density 4 CRTgraphics modeI 5 Plottergraphics 6 CRTgraphics modeH 7 Double densityplottergraphics Convertgraphicsdensity 120dotsper inch 120dotsper inch 240dotsper inch 80dotsper inch 72dotsper inch 90dotsper inch 144dotsper inch IModel A...

Page 78: ...icantbitof ml is thetopdot theleastsignificantbit ofml is theseconddotfromthebottom themostsignificantbitof m2isthebottomdot andtheotherbitsofm2areignored Otherbyte pairsaresimilar Thenumberof databytesmustbe2 x n n2x 256 Atthe endofbit imageprintingtheprinterreturnsautomati callyto charactermode nO Graphicsmode O Normal density 60 dotsper inch 1 Double density 120dotsper inch 2 Double density dou...

Page 79: ...deletecode shouldbe avoidedif possible Eachcharacterisdefinedbyanattributebyte rnO and11databytes ml m2 roll Themostsignificantbit of the attributebyteis 1if the characteris an ascender positionedentirelyabovethe baseline or Oif it is a descender descendingbelowthebaseline Theattributebytealso indicatestheamountofwhitespaceto theleftofthecharacter Oto 7 dots specifiedbybits4 to 6 andthewidthof the...

Page 80: ... nl n2 14 IBM aO al a2 ml aO al a2 ml aO al a2 mI d mll d mll d mll Definesoneormorenewdraftcharactersandstoresthemin RAM for lateruse Draftmodemustbe selectedbeforethiscommandis executed n andn2givethenumberofbytesofcharacterdatathat willfollow aOisthecharactercodeofthefirstcharacterdefined aZ anda2areattributesbytes ml tomll arethecharacterdata andare thesameasin ESG Theattributebyteal indicates...

Page 81: ...cterset fromROMinto RAM Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC O n o 27 58 0 n O IB 3A 00 n 00 Copiesthe selectedcharacterset with n as shownbelow to the correspondingdownload character RAM area overwritingany downloaddata alreadypresent IgnoredwhenEDS switchA 2 is ON n Characterset n Characterset O Courier 4 script 1 Sansenf 7 Orator Selectdownloadcharacterset Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std E...

Page 82: ...racterset draftquality andelitepitch 12 cpi Ignoredif the buttonwaspressedduringpower upor if EDS switchA 2is ON SelectNLQ downloadcharacterset Mode I ASCII Decimal I Hexadecimal IBM ESC I 7 27 73 55 IB 49 37 ESC I 7 27 73 7 IB 49 07 Selectsthe NLQ downloadcharacterset Ignored if the Tt5iiT buttonwaspressedduringpower upor if EDS switchA 2 is ON SelectNLQitalic downloadcharacterset Model ASCII I D...

Page 83: ... n IB 72 n Selectsthe printingcolor accordingto the value of n as shown tilow Ignoredif the colorribbonis not installed n Color n Color O Black 4 Yellow 1 Magenta 5 Orange 2 cyan 6 Green 3 Violet Wect black Mode Ascll Decimal Hexadecimal Bor h c o 40406741 41 48 28284329 29 30 Changes the printcolorto Black Ignoredif the colorribbonis not installed Select magenta Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Bot...

Page 84: ...nis not installed Select yellow Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both c 4 40406741 41 52 28 2843 29 29 34 Changestheprintcolorto Yellow Ignoredif thecolorribbonis not installed Select orange Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal BOII I c 5 4040 6741 41 53 28 2843 29 2935 Changestheprintcolorto Orange Igno dif thecolorribbonis not installed Select green Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both C 6 4040 6741 41 5...

Page 85: ...eachsubsequentbytereceivedto O AcceptMSBas is Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC 27 35 IB 23 Cancelstheprecedingcommandsandacceptsthemostsignificant bit as it is sentto the printer Deletelast charactersent Mode Ascll Decimal Hexadecimal std DEL 127 7F Deletesthe last characterreceived Ignored if the last character receivedhas alreadybeenprinted or if thelast characterreceived was all or partof...

Page 86: ...inting Youcan alsocancelthe quietmodewiththe controlpanelbutton Setprinter off line Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std DC3 19 13 IBM ESC Q 3 27 81 3 16 51 03 Sets the printer off line The printer disregards all subsequent charactersandcommandsexcept DC1 whichmtumsittotheon line state The printer sONLINE indicatordoesnot go off Setprinter on line Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both Del 17 11 Return...

Page 87: ...ESC u 1 27 85 1 IB 55 01 Causessubsequentprintingto be done unidirectionally ensuring maximumverticalalignmentprecision One lineunidirectionalprinting Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC 27 60 IB 3C Immediatelyreturnstheprintheadtotheleftmargin thenprintsthe remainder of the line from left to right Normal bidirectional printingresumeson the nextline Manualfeed IModel ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecim...

Page 88: ...ctsthecurrentpage IgnoredifEDSswitchA 4 is ON ASFin active Setprint startpositiononASF IModel ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecimal I ESC EM T n Both 27 25 84 n IB 19 54 n T n 40 40 84 41 41 n 28 28 54 29 29 n Skipsn 6inchesatthetopofthepage wherenisbetween1and15 Ignoredif EDS switchA 4 is ON ASFinactive Resetprinter Mode ASCll Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 27 84 IB 40 Reinitializestheprinter Clearstheprin...

Page 89: ...MEMO 80 ...

Page 90: ...Designingand printingyour own charactemhas two requirements first designingtheshapeofthecharacter calculatingthedatanecessarytomake the shape and sendingthat datato the printer and secondly sendingthe commandto printthedownloadedcharactersinsteadoftheregularcharac ters There are a numberof designconstraintsfor downloaddraft quality characters The matrix or gridon whichyoudesignthe charactersis six...

Page 91: ... I Figure 5 2 Use this grid or one similar to it to define your own draft characters Definingtheattributedata Beforeyoustartthedefinition youwillneedtodecideexactlywherein the regularASCIIsetyouwanttoplaceyourcharacters Aftcrdownloading you access your new character by sending the code for the character you replaced Next you must choosewhetherto makethe car symbolan ascenderor a descender Thisdete...

Page 92: ...ecalculatetheverticalnumericalvaluesofthecolumnsofdots and enterthemunderneaththegrid Forexample lookingatFigure5 3 wesec thatintheleft mostcolumntherearefivedots andtheyaresittinginthe 64 box 32 box 16 box 8 box and 4 box Thusitsverticalvalueis 124 In the nextcolumn thereis no dot straddlingthe verticalline its valueis recordedas O ASCII code Descender 7 Last column 77 rrI Descender x Izx Left x ...

Page 93: ...3g 2 5 8 241 0 1110 DATA 0 241 8 5 2 0 ll o DATA 139 124 0 66 4 64 1130 DATA 36 16 2 16 12 0 1140 DATA 139 46 16 2 60 0 1150 DATA 48 0 48 0 48 0 1160 LPRINT CHR 27 D JCHR 11 J HR 0 J 1170 LPRINT CHR 2 7 j h JCHR lj j 1180 LPRINT U S EXPORTSM 1190 LPRINT CHR 27 J h jCHR O 1200 LPRINT CHR 27 j JCHR l j 1210 LPRINT AUTOS CHR 9 1220 FOR 1 4 TO 9 3 STEP 4 1230 LPRINT CHR 61 1240 NEXT I 1250 LpRINT 1260...


Page 95: ...ers Forthisreason IW Qcharacterscan containup to 23 dots in the horizontaldirection Fundamentally theprocessto defineandprintdownloadedNLQcharacter is the sameasfor draftcharacters exceptthatyoumustassignthe charac ter data accordingto the emulationmode you areusing Assigningthe characterdata withtheStandard mode Thereare differencesin the waythe attributeinformationis processed In the draftqualit...

Page 96: ...ateachnumberis twicethenumberbelowit Bymakingthesenumbersoftwowecantakeany combinationof dots in a verticalcolumnandassignthema uniquevalue Ifweplotourcar shapedsymbolforNLQ thegriddatawilllooklikeFigure 5 5 Thedefiningprocessisthesameasfordraftcharacters exceptthatyoumust selectNLQ mode and youmustdefine69 data If youwish to printyour NLQcharacter withtheregularcharacterset theremarksregardingthe...

Page 97: ... LPRINT CHR 27 h CHR l 1130 LPRINT H U S EXPORTSV 1140 LPRINT CHR 27 h CHR 0 1150 LPRINT CHR 271 H CHR I 1160 LPRINT AUTOSU CHR 9 1170 FOR 1 4 TO 9 3 STEP 4 1180 LPRINT CHR 61 1190 NEXT I 1200 LPRINT 1210 LPRINT CHEMICALS CHR 3 l o FOR 1 4 TO 8 7 STEP 4 1 30 LPRINT CHR 60 1 40 NEXT 1 1250 LPRINT 1 61 LpRINT GTJNS CHR 9 1270 FOR 1 4 TO 1 4 STEP 4 l 30 LpRINT CHR 1290 NEXT I 1300 LPRINT 1310 LPRINT ...

Page 98: ...1700 DATA 1710 DATA lj oDATA 1730 DATA O 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 16 128 0 32 0 0 64 128 63 128 l 0 0 8 o 0 0 0 0 128 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 3 1 8 63 128 0 0 64 128 u 32 0 0 15 128 0 3 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 248 0 6 0 0 8 124 0 16 2 0 32 124 0 0 O 32 12 4 0 0 0 0 63 24 O 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 120 0 16 0 0 8 120 0 4 0 0 2 124 0 1 130 0 0 124 0 0 130 0 0 124 0 o l 8 0 0 1 20 0 0 0 o 0 0 08 0 5 40 0 10 215 128 5 40 ...

Page 99: ...6 Width 16 8 4 2 Figure S6 Use this grid or one similar to it to define your own NLQ characters with the IBM mode To makethe characterdataeasierto calculate put the firstpass dots with blackcircleon the grid whenyou are designingyour characters and the secondpass dots withwhitecircle Rememberthat adjacentdotsmay not overlaponthesamepass in otherwords if onedotis in a box itsadjacent dot on the sam...

Page 100: ...ksregardingthe simultaneoususeof regularanddownloadcharactersin the draftcharacter sectionapplyequallyto NLQ characters The following program demonstrateshow to use the NLQ download charactemwiththe IBMmode 1000 LPRINT CHR 27 1 CHR 7 1010 i PRINT CHR 27 CHR 146 CHR O CHR 21 1020 LPRINT CHR 60 1030 FOR N 60 TO 62 1040 LPRINT CHR 128 CHR 23 1050 FORM l TO 46 1060 READMM 1070 LPRINT CHR MM 1080 NEXTM...

Page 101: ...PRINT LPRINT HR 9 SCALE U FOR 1 2 TO 8 STEP 2 LPRINT S ALE NEXTI LPRINT LPRINT CHR 9 M FOR 1 2 TO 8 STEP 2 LPRINT 1 NEXTI LPRINT CHR 27 1 CHR 2 LPRINT cHR 27j S HR Ol LPRINT CHR 9 MILLIONSOF DOLLARSW LPRINT CHR 27 TH END DATA O 0 0 0 2 4 4 2 1 8 DATA 8 0 1 16 240 224 1 0 0 0 DATA 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 DATA 240 224 1 16 8 0 1 8 4 2 DATA 2 4 0 0 0 0 DATA 14 28 16 32 38 14 1 64s 70 14 DATA 1 0 70 14 0 ...

Page 102: ... u P a EXPORTS AUTOS CHEMICAL S GUNS Udduudtiuuddutiuutiududti t 4 6 8 I I L IK K C7P I 3 I r ll l J l i f i ...

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Page 104: ...aveyourprintersetupinstandardmode thenchooseanEpsonFX 850or EX 800Coloras yourprinterto be selected If neitherof thesearementioned chooseone of the following in orderof preference StarNX 1000Color LC 10Color StarND 10 15 EpsonLX 850 LX 810 If you have yourprintersetup with the EDS switchesto emulatean IBM ProprinterIII simplychoosethisfrom the list of printersavailablein the applicationsoftwarelis...

Page 105: ...on software seek expertadvice Yoursofhwm supplierwillprobablybe yourmostqualified reference EMBEDDING PRINTER COMMANDS Many word pmcessom and other sofisvm lack commandsfor changing fon printingdouble size characters or printingin color Yourprinterthere fo has commandsthat can be embeddedin documentsto controlthese functionswithoutsoftwarehelp The commandsconsistof a capitalletter enclosedin doubl...

Page 106: ...ddown whenpowerwas switchedon A line consistingof commandsaloneprintsas a blankline Thesoftwarewillnotknowthatthesearecommands soyoucannottrust yoursoftwareto giveyouthecorrectlinewidth Theprintedlinemaybe considerablyshorterthanthelineonthescreen theextraspacebeingthe spacethat wasoccupiedby the commands Onewaytohandlethelastproblemistoprepareyourdocumentwithoutthe commands theninsertthemas a fin...

Page 107: ...erto use Name of 1i st device IPRNI If yourcomputerisconnectedto onlyoneprinter pressRETURNto select the default choice PRN Printing will begin and the A prompt will reappear You can executeothercommandsor programswhilethe file is beingprinted A singlePRINTcommandcanprinttwo or mo files Listthe filenames consecutivelyon the sameline or usewild cardcharacters and Each file willbe printedstartingon ...

Page 108: ...roundthe 1 indicatechar actercode 1 whichis a controlcode notthe printabledigit l You may wantto place additionalcommandsin this ffle such as left and rightmargins linespacingandbottommargincommands Oryoumaywant to createa varietyof setupfileswith a differentset of commandsin each To avoidexcessline feeds you shouldplacethe commandson onelinein thesetupfile Youmayormaynotbeabletogenerateasetupfile...

Page 109: ...llowingtwo commands A COPY NLQELITE DAT PFfN A PRINT README DOc Forgreaterconvenienceyoucanmakeabatchfilethatwillsetup theprinter andprintany specifiedfde witha singlecommand To createsucha batch filewiththenameNLQPRINT BAT typeinthefirstfourlinesshownnext AZmems to press theCTRL andZ keyssimultaneously TOUSe thiSfiletO printREADME DOC typethe fifthline A COPY CON NLQPRINT BAT COPY NLQELITE 13ATPR...

Page 110: ...Courier characters LPRINT H F CHR l Sanserif characters LPRINT H F CHR 4 Script characters LPRINT H F CHR 7 Orator Characters LPRINT LPRINT C Print pitches are LPRINT H P Picapitch 10 CPI LpRINT H E M Eliteite pitch 12 CPI U LPRINT H P LPRINT CHR 15 Select condensed pitch LPRINT Condensed pica pitch 17 CPI LPRINT H E Mti Condensedelite pitch 2O CPI LPRINT CHR 18 Cancel condensed print LPRINT H E P...

Page 111: ...M II M LPRINT LPRINT H C Download characters II GOSUB 2040 LPRINT D E 1 Select draft download character FOR 1 1 TO 5 LPRINT CHR 60 Print download character NEXT I LPRINT E U O Select normal character GOSUB 2130 LPRINT C E 1 Select NLQ download character FOR 1 1 TO 5 LPRINT CHR 60 Print download character NEXT I LPRINT E OU Select normal character LPRINT LPRINT H C Various dot graphic densities DIM...

Page 112: ...124 0 0 130 0 0 124 0 DATA 0 128 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 Dot graphics data ROW 1 DATA O 0 0 0 1 3 7 7 7 15 14 14 DATA 14 14 14 7 7 3 3 15 15 15 0 0 DATA O 0 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 DATA 6 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 79 7 7 7 DATA 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 DATA 7 7 0 O O ROW 2 DATA 0 0 60 255 255 255 255 255 143 15 7 7 DATA 7 7 3 3 3 131 193 241 240 240 0 0 DATA 0 0 0 0 224 255 255 255 255 255 31 0 DATA O 0 1 3 31 255 255 255...

Page 113: ...d 1460 and a commandto micro adjustthe space betweencharactem lines1420and 1470 Nexttheprogramreturnstonormalspacingandgivesademonstration ofthe printer sword processingabilities italicprinting boldprinting underlin ing subscripts etc The rowof automobilesin thenextprintedlineis createdby downloading twonewcharacterpatterns whichareprintedin placeof the character character60 Detailscanbe foundin C...

Page 114: ...I E x 1 1d e d Dwble ieight 1 0 uk 1e 5ized ...

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Page 116: ...umecessary servicecall The followingtablegivesyou ideason whereto lookin thissectionif youexperienceproblems Region offault Description Power supply Power isnotbeing supplied totheprinter Printing Theprinter does notprin orstops printing Theprint isfaint oruneven Dots aremissing incharacters orgraphics Whileusing application software fonts orcharacters carrnotbeprinted Theprintout isnotwhat isexpe...

Page 117: ...or is firmly inposition Isthe ON LINE indicator illu IfitisnoLpressthe ON LINE buttontosettheprinter minated on line Is the POWER indicator If it is the paper hasrunout Loadmorepaper flashing Isthe printer beeping inter Therelease lever has movedwhile the paper is in print mittently ingposition Move therelease lever totheoriginal position Isthe paper caught up inter Turnoff the power remove thejam...

Page 118: ...xpected being printed Possible remedv Checkthe software installation andre install the soft wareif necessan Check the software installation and insert the com mands nemssarv for font charwes into the software Either you areusing the wrong International Character Set reset with EDS switches or software commands or you have the wrong character set selected for example if characters other than IBM bl...

Page 119: ... Try using thinner paper Iffanfold continuous paperisnotbeingfedcorrectlyusingthetractorfeed checkthe following Check I Possible remedv Is the paper release lever Make sure the release lever is pushed to the posi pushed to the position tion Is the paper guide in the ver 1 When using the tractor feed the paper guide should be tical uosition horizontal Are the holes on each side of If thetwosidesof ...

Page 120: ...this and continue Are the left and right guides If the left and right guides are too close together the too close together paper will not feed smoothly Move them a little further apart to allow the paper to feed freely Is there toomuchpaperinthe The ASF Spaper feed hopper and stacker can hold 50 paperfeedhopperorstacker sheets each Make sure that there is no more paper than this in either the hopp...

Page 121: ...ablanklines checkthe following Check Possible remedy Is the text all on the same Carriage returns are not being expanded to tie CR cLF pairs Check the EDS setting and correct Is text being printed with Two line feeds are being printed Make your software extra blank lines printjust acarriageretum or if this is notpossible set the AUTO LF to OFF with the EDS setting Ifthepagelengthandmarginsarenotwh...

Page 122: ...not to bend or damage any cable connectionsor electroniccomponents REPLACING THE PRINT HEAD Thisisnotajobwhichyouwillneedtodoveryoften Theprintheadhasbeen designedto last for about 100millioncharacters In normaleverydayuse thistranslatestoyearsoflife 130wever iftheprintqualityisfaint evenafter youhavechangedtheribbonoryouhaveadjustedthegapbetweentheprint headandthe platen seeChapter1 theprintheadm...

Page 123: ...heprinthead 7 Plugthe cableintothe connectorof the newprinthead 8 Placethe newprintheadon its support seatingit on the twopins 9 Fastenthe printheaddownwiththe two screws 10 Remountthecolorribbonholderwithcaretopositionthespringandthe fronttab correctly 11 Replacetheribboncartridgeandtopcover andplugthepowercordback in 114 ...

Page 124: ...millioncharacters Line spacing 1 6 l 8 n 72 n 216inches Characters u ti uASCII 96 International 16sets IBMspecial 111 IBMblockgraphic 50 IBMcodepage 6sets Download 255 USA France Germany England DenmarkI Sweden Italy SpainI Japan Norway DenmarkI Spain IL Latin America Korea Irish Legal 437 uSA 850 Multi Lingual 860 Portuguese 861 Ice landic 863 CanadianFrench 865 Nordic Numberof columns CPI Pica 1...

Page 125: ...Q C I C I P D o 6 1 1 2 8 9 7 1 o 9 x 4 o 9 x 9 o 9 x 9 o 9 x 1 o 9 x 6 o 9 x 7 o 9 x 5 o 9 x 1 I i i t p a d i t m m w a a P f a p t P f s i m P w s 4 1 F 4 C c M b s W D 1 W D 1 l E E F E E f c I P I I p R s R t d M o C m c v y o g 1 ...

Page 126: ...R l M m c p C m c p D 4 x 3 x 1 m 1 x 1 x 5 i W 6 P s 1 2 2 5 a t t c o p c Options A s f 1 S c R p h 117 ...

Page 127: ...a 3 D H w a 4 D H w a 5 D H w a 6 D H w a 7 D H w a 8 D H w a 9 D H w a 1 A 5 l p a r o d 1 B L w p r t r d 1 P H w p o C b d w E s 1 S H w p i o 1 1 N 1 S G S g 1 C C g f s g 1 D o f p 1 G T p g r 3 R W t i s i l p i r I 3 E O l w p c c d t a e 3 E G E g 3 N 3 S I A h 1 ...

Page 128: ...9 C T f t s t s a I c s T d c c o e c i s i a i t t l r o t c T h c c b f b r t e a t t a l e o t t F e t c i i c 4 a r 1 s i h c c i 4 T i e 1 1 6 t d 6 t n i t i C c r b t p a i i p b b a Sample r L L V IU 1 ...

Page 129: ...I STANDARD CHARACTER SET 1 I 1011121314151 6171 120 ...

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Page 131: ...STANDARD CHARACTER SET 2 O c a i t s c s 1 ...

Page 132: ...ARK1 R 0 A a 0 A S H 1 A o A u 6 o u ITALY 6 il h b i SPAIN1 R i N z f J Y 1 NORWAY H E E 0 A u 6 a u DENMARK2 E k 0 A u 4 a 0 a u SPAIN2 d i N L k i 1 6 i LATIN tMERICII i N L 6 u f K i KORIA w 1 A IRISH 1 a E 6 LEGAL s 0 T t T c f s t i c s i n W n m c c h i C i B T v o n a O U 5 S 1 D I 1 F 6 I 1 S 1 2 G 7 S I 1 L A 3 E 8 J 1 K 4 D I 9 N 1 I 6 L 123 ...

Page 133: ...IBM CHARACTER SET 2 Code Page 437 U S A 124 ...

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Page 135: ...I Code Page 850 Multi 1ingual O c a i t C P 126 ...

Page 136: Otht o 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 A B c D E F fePa c h I m lb Llm 2 143 re POmJuese s a i t C P 9 A 1 c D E i I __ F k 243 _ Lx k 251 n _ 127 ...

Page 137: ...I 1 ...

Page 138: Othe o 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 9 0 B c D E F fePaj c re 863 Canadian Fre s a i t C P ch D h l Yz h k 223 E I F 129 ...

Page 139: ...Code Page 865 Nordic O c a i t C P 130 ...

Page 140: ...IBM CHARACTER SET 1 O c a i t c s T d o c c e s w a 7 i t o c f w t m s b i s t 1 b t c i t s m 131 ...

Page 141: ...IBM SPECIAL CHARACTER SET A c c b p b s c 132 ...

Page 142: ...g 53 Cleaning 113 Codepage 39 48 Colorprinting 32 Colorselectioncommands 74 75 c Columnwidth 96 115 Condensedpitch 23 50 Connector 3 8 Controlpanel 21 Courierfont 24 43 m Delete 76 Descender 70 82 Dimensionsof printer 117 Dotmatrixsize 116 Double sizecharacters 53 54 Double strike printing 45 Downloadcharactercommands 70 74 Downloadcharacters 37 70 81 93 Draftquality 24 42 70 71 81 CKl EDSmode 35 ...

Page 143: ...ght 62 63 I ster printmode 52 Micro feed 31 Microjustification 53 Mostsignificantbi 76 Multi part 18 37 m Near letterquality 24 40 42 71 72 86 n Off line 22 77 OnLinebutton 22 Oratorfont 44 Overlining 46 E Pagefeed 30 59 Pagelength 38 58 Pagewidth 96 115 Panelfont 27 Panelpitch 27 PaperFeedbutton 22 Paperfeed 9 17 116 Paperfeeding 110 Paperguide 9 14 Paperspecifications 116 Paper outdetector 37 60...

Page 144: ... Singlesheets automaticloading 9 manualloading 11 specifications 116 Slashzero 49 Smallcapitals 24 Specifications 115 118 Sprocketfeed 12 17 116 Standardcharacterset 38 47 120 122 Standardmode 36 38 99 Subscripts 46 Superscripts 46 Tabulation 61 65 Testpatterns 25 26 Top cover 3 5 of form 30 58 Tractorfeed 12 17 116 Troubleshooting 107 112 Underlining 45 Unidirectional printing 78 Unpackingand ins...

Page 145: ...COMMAND SUMMARY Standard Mode T f c t e w t S m n n n t T 9 0 n u 1 c 2 E 136 ...

Page 146: ... n o n m n n n d n d n m2 n n s C c A nO n n n n n n n n O 1 2 n bottom z z n n n n n 137 ...

Page 147: ...I e n a 4 4 g c 4 n n d o q s r r c 138 ...

Page 148: ...IBM Mode T f c t e w t I m n n d d n n n n c 2 139 ...

Page 149: ... n n a C d n n n m m n n m m d b n m d d C a n n d C a w d 1 t Worn margin Cancef bottom f o m S 140 ...

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Page 151: ... y p a t m P a y c t W l S M C L 2 N S J 4 A P M A M S M A I 4 L A S 2 N Y N 1 A P M E M S M D G W e 5 P B 9 D F 9 F o G A P M U M S M U K L S H P B P G R H W B H U A P M F M S M F S A 2 r M F 7 M o A P M A M S M A L R 2 S B 1 D V R C H K A P M ...

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