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Be the player with the fewest meatballs after all the 

meatballs have fallen off the table.





20 strands of spaghetti, 5 meatballs, table top, 2 table 

bottom legs.



Set Up:


Assemble the table by interlocking the two table 

bottom legs. Then press the assembled legs into place 

into the slots on the bottom of the table. The table, 

when turned rightside up, will have a slight tilt to it!

Pile all the strands of spaghetti on top of the table. 

Place the 5 meatballs on top. Starting with the 

youngest player and moving clockwise in turn, select a 

strand of spaghetti and carefully pull it out.

If any meatballs fall on your turn, keep them until the 

end of the game. 


Ending and Winning the Game:


When all the meatballs have fallen from the table, the 

game ends. The player who has collected the fewest—

or no—meatballs wins.  If a tie, tying players only play 

another game for the win. 



For 2 to 4 players

Ages  5 and up
