All my music on the go
Direct MP3 recording
Want all your music and data with you? The hdd100 promises the ultimate music
experience of 10 hours of WMA and MP3 music playback, generous 15GB capacity
and direct MP3 recording - all encased in a stylishly sleek and slim design.
Easy, intuitive music experience on the go
• Simple and easy-to-use interface menus
• SuperScroll™ navigation finds songs in a simple, fast way
Capture all your favorite music
• Make voice memos in MP3
• Record directly to MP3 via analog or digital line-inputs
• Fast downloads from your PC via USB2.0
All your music, your data - on the go, everyday
• 10 hours battery life
• 15GB* capacity for music and data on the go.
• USB mass storage to store and carry your data files
• Super-slim design fits perfectly in your pocket