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Installation Instructions

2x2 MiMo Omni-Directional Antenna

SW3-963 - v1

1. Introduction

The BS[G]M-6-60 is a range of omni-directional tube antennas for 4G/5G applications requiring support for 2x2 MiMo with optional GPS/GNSS. Ideal for 


 xed site, marine or failover applications the antenna is suitable for external or internal mounting. The antenna is supplied with a wall mount bracket, with 

brackets for mast or rail mounting and a sealing gasket for panel / deck mounting.

Electrical Safety Note

Variants of this product contain an active GPS/GNSS antenna.  Rated voltage: 3-5VDC Rated current: 20mA maximum. 

The supply to this device must be provided with overcurrent protection of 1A maximum.

2. Planning and Installation

To minimize the e

 ects of surrounding objects, the antenna should be located as far away from other structures as possible. If 


 tted with GPS/GNSS the 

antenna should have a clear view of the sky. The orientation of the antenna should be vertical with the cable exiting downwards.

A  bracket is supplied, allowing 


 tment to a wall, rail or mast (18-50mm (3/4-2”) diameter) using the u-bolts / clamps provided. The antenna bracket has 

4x 8mm (5/16”) clearance holes which also allow screw mounting. When mounting the antenna to a metal housing, device enclosure or mast care should 
be taken to ensure that the antenna housing is elevated above the metal surface to which it is mounted. Ensure that the selected location will enable the 
coaxial cable to be easily connected and routed to the equipment. If mounting the antenna using screws it is important to check for adequate under panel 

The antenna can also be mounted to 


 at, level panels of up to 3mm (0.1”) thickness using the supplied M6x1 screws and gasket. For thicker panels it may 

be necessary to source longer M6x1 screws. The mounting panel can be conductive or non-conductive. Select a mounting location taking care to ensure 
that there is at least 300mm (12”) of clearance from proximate metal objects. Ensure that there is adequate clearance under the mounting panel and 
measure to check for central positioning if necessary.

3. Safety Notes

• If the antenna will be 


 tted to an existing mast, please ensure that it will not overload it.

• Ensure that the installation location can be safely accessed with the equipment that you have available.

• If mounting to a wall in a position which is accessible care should be taken to ensure that no one comes within 0.3m (1’) of the antenna during use.



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Parts of the antenna are an electrical conductor. Contact with power lines can result in death, or serious injury. Do not install the antenna where 
there is any possibility of contact with (or high voltage arc-over from) power cables. The antenna and supporting mast must not be close to any 
power lines during installation, removal or in the event that part of the system should accidentally fall.

If the antenna is installed above the roof line or in an exposed location, it is advisable to 


 t lightning surge arrestors in the coaxial cable feed 

lines. Suitable units should be sourced and installed as per the manufacturer instructions. The installer is responsible for determining if this is a 
requirement for the antenna installation.
