Matala Biofilter 10 Installation and maintenance manual
Matala Biofilter 10 is suitable where you have a small
water consumption of max 400 l/day and 55 l/h.
If you have several wires out of the house, it can be led
to the same filter, or you could place a filter in each
place. It is also available as a model with a built-in
pump, to pump away the water after the filter.
Matala grey water filter/BDT (bath, dishes & laundry)
is the original and it has sold in the thousands over
the past 15 years.
No costs for consumption
No electricity consumption
No moving parts
Matala grey water filters are adapted for smaller amounts of BDT wastewater such as in
small houses, holiday homes, sauna houses, building sheds and others where you do not
have water connected.
Not all types of grey water filters can handle high flows that you can have in year-round
houses with high water consumption, then choose other technology.
The capacity is from 400 to 750 liters/day, depending on the model and accessories.
Biofilter 10 has a capacity of 400 l/day or 55 l/h and Biofilter 20 & 25 can handle 750 l/day
and 75 l/h.
The function is completely natural by purifying the water, as it slowly flows through the
patented filters that break down biological nutrients with Biofilm technology with microbes.
Since the filters are airy in the biofilter and the water varies in level all the time, no air
compressor is needed for oxygenation of the biohud.
There is always some water at the bottom of the biofilter so that the biohud should always
have a good environment even when the load stops.