Summary of Contents for GlobalNav

Page 1: ...GLOBALNAV INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL LITHO IN U S A 988 0129 01 I LOWRANCE ELECTRONICS INC 12000 F SKELLY DR TULSA OK 74128 PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...

Page 2: ...available navigation tools when travellingto a waypoint but willalso visu allycheck to make certain aclear satepathto thewaypointis always available NOTICE As of this writing the Department of Defense DOD has not declaredtheGPSnavigation systemasoperational The system is still ina testingphase Satellites canbeturnedofforaccuracy can be degradedat will by the systemoperators Remember that theGlobal...


Page 4: ...NOTES NOTES PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...

Page 5: boltmounting You mayneed toplace a piece ofplywoodon the back of thin fiberglass panelsto securethemountinghardware Makecertain there is enough roombehind the unitto attach the powerand GPScables The smallest holethat will passthe GPS module sconnector is 9116 After drilling the hole pass the GPS connector up throughthehole first thenpassthepowercabledownthroughit After the cables have been rou...

Page 6: ...wire is notused tapethe end sothat it cannotshort To connectadevice totheGlobalNav s NMEA output attach a shielded twistedpaircable fromthedevice s NMEA intputtothe white wire onthe GlobalNav s powercable Solderthe ground conductorof thetwistedpair and theshield to theblackwire on thepowercable Donot connecttheshield to theotherdevice See the other instrument smanual formorewiringinstructions 2 ci...

Page 7: ...oodlocation Attachingthepolemounting adapterlets you install the module on aone inch mast Ahigh location is preferred However for lightningprotection the an tennashouln lbethe highest part of theboat Surface Mounting WithAccess If you have access underneath the mountingsurface use the gasketsuppliedwiththeGPSmoduleas a template Drillfour 7 32 holesand one9 16 holeforthemodule scable Attachthe cabl...

Page 8: ...thecleats onthe moduleand fasten them to the mountingsur facewith 10 screws RoutethecabletotheGlobalNav tLEAV GLOBALNAVPSRECEIVERSPECIFICATIONS GPSModule Dimensions 2 5 Hx 4 1 Wx 7 D Channels FiveParallel Fourcontinuous forposition All satellites inviewtracked Update rate Onesecond Accuracy Maximum accuracy achievable withStandard Positioning Service Position 25metersCEP Velocity 0 25meters secRMS...

Page 9: ... NMEA0183SENTENCES RMB Minimum Recommended Sentence Part B RMC Minimum Recommended Sentence Part C GLL Present Position Latitude Longitude APA AutopilotSteeringData DBK WaterDepth MTW WaterTemperature C VHW Speed ThroughWater KPH VLW Distance Travelled LOG NM First attach theGPS module s cableto the module Next pass thecablethroughthepolemountingadapter Attachtheadapter to the GPS module withthefo...

Page 10: ...e efforts have failed press the GlobalNav s Waypoint Quicksave key This instantly storesyour present positionin memory Memorizethe waypoint number that appears at the topof the screen Now press theWaypointRecallkey Pressthe keynextto the Vest Waypt Num near the bottom of the screen A new menu appears Enterthe waypoint number that you just saved then press the keyadjacentto the ENTER label This rec...

Page 11: ... of the screen is correct pressthe key adjacent to the Use Position label The GlobalNav returns to the last used position naviga tion or plotter screen usingtheoffset information you entered To verifythat POF is ineffect switchto the positjon navigation or plotterscreen The letters POP appear onthese screens when POE is enabled IA WAYPOINTRECALL Thiskey is usedto recallwaypointsfrom memory CLEAR U...

Page 12: ...itary s P Code In this manner civilianusers worldwidecan benefitfrom excellent positionfixes Meanwhile themilitarykeepsthemost accuratesystemawayfrom potential enemies Theoretically C A code can give accurate position fixes up to 15 meters This is more than adequate for most people However as ofthis writing the militaryisn tsatisfied with CIA s potentialaccuracyinthehandsoftheworld So it s degradi...

Page 13: ...hart If you raise anchorand move theGlobalNav will add the change you made to all positions This makes it more closely match the datum usedby thechart Forthis reason you shouldbe carefulwhen entering the PCF Offset Thisissaved in memo It does not changewhentheunit isturnedoff However Preset doeserase thePCFsettings The Lowrance GPS Module ThisGPS receiver manufactured by Rockwell currentlyis used ...

Page 14: ...contrast setting alarm settings and more in battery backed up memory This memoryisretained evenif poweris disconnected from the unit If you need to return the unit to the factory settings usethePreset function IMPORTANT Preset returnsall GPS settingsto zero TheGPS will have to bere Initalized afteraPreset To dothis pressthe MENU key thenpressthekeyadjacent to theMORE label threetimes Nowpressthe k...

Page 15: ...watchreads2 00inthe afternoon then you will enter 14 00 Twelve o clock noon is 12 00 midnight is 24 00 After you ve entered your localtime pressthe key nexttothe Enter label TheGlobalNavreturns totheinitial setupmenu DATE The next setupitem is today sdate Press the DATE label to change the displayed shown below appears Nowenterthemonth thentoday sdate and finallytheyear For example if the dateisOc...

Page 16: ...siestway to find bothaltitudeand your presentposition Re member howeverto ask for elevation not altitude Nowpress thekeyadjacentto the Altitudelabel The screen shown at the topofthenextpageappears 12 First press the MENU key Next press the key next to the More labelun iltheNMEA labelappears Pressthekeynextto this label The screen shown at the top of the next page ap pears Thedataformatcurrently in...

Page 17: ...eature thewhitewire on thepowercable must be connectedto the NMEA data input on the other instrument Seethe installation sectionat thefrontof this manual for wiring connection information Once the wiring is connected properly the GlobalNavmust be toldwhichdataformatto use Consult the owner smanual ofthe listener equipmentto seethe whichformat it needs Then set the GlobalNav as follows t IEnter A1t...

Page 18: ...key nextto the downarrow to decreaseit TheXTE alarm s rangeis from 01 to 10 miles Toturn theXTEalarm off pressthe key nextto thedown arrow until theword OFF appears PresstheCLEARkeyto exit fromtheGPS alarmmenu ALARM MUTE Whenanyalarmsounds the Press appears at the top of the screen silences thespeakeruntil the alarm is turn thealarmoff ft merely shuts the UNITS OF MEASURE The GlobalNavcan display ...

Page 19: ...ft locks onto at least three of them your position displays The latitude longitude positionwillstop flashingwhen theGlobalNavhaslocked ontothenecessary satellites To view the satellitedata see the SatelliteStatussectioninthismanual WARNING Nevernavigatewiththis unitwhenthepositionscreen flashesthe latitude longitude This means the unit is not usablefor naviga tion Alwaysusemorethanonemethodto navi...

Page 20: ...heroute This in effect turns the routeoff CANCELINGA ROUTE To stop the GlobalNav in a route press the MENU key then pressthekey adjacent tothe RoutePlanning label Nowpress the key adjacent tot he Cancel Route label This stops the GlobalNavfrom sequencing to any waypoints after the current waypoint The unitwill continue to show navigation information to the current waypoint until the arrival alarm ...

Page 21: ... Distance To Go DTG is thedistancefrom your presentpositionto thedestination Altitude ALT is your heightabovesea level Speed OverGround SOG is the actual speed you are travelling Velocity Made Good VMG is the speed you are travellingtowards the destination Bearingto waypoint BAG is the directionfrom yourpresentpositionto the destination measuredindegrees CourseOverGround COG is thedirectiontheboat...

Page 22: ...the steering display To do this pressthe MENUkey then pressthekey adjacentto the SteeringSetup label The screenshown atthetopof the nextpageappears 18 then1 and finally5 Inthis case youmustselectwaypoint 3 1 and 5 inthatorderwhen making the route After you veselected allofthewaypointsfortheroute press the CLEAR key Your new route is stored in memory ready for use FOLLOWING AROUTE To follow a route...

Page 23: ...s thewaypoint Movethe boxtothe nextwaypoint intherouteand select it in the same manner Continue doing this until all waypoints intheroute are selected IMPORTANT You mustselect waypoints in theordertheyare 4beusedinthe route Inotherwords suppose youwantaroute hatconsistsof waypoint numbers 1 3 and 5 Butyou wish totravel to 3 first IA TheXTERangeadjustment menu is atthetop ofthescreen the ClearTrail...

Page 24: ...hosetimes To the rightof the GDOP display is the Fix display Fix shows how well the unit is trackingsatellites Thebest fix number is one the worst is 9 As thefix numberincreases the position s jitter increases Jitter is thesmall positionchangesaround a location In other words if you place a GPS receiver on the groundand tum it on you llseethe position jump around Very smallpositionchangeswill cons...

Page 25: parenthesis 2D means the unit is showing positiononly 3D means it s showing bothpositionand altitude data H standsforAltitudeHold Beneaththe fix box is the Altitudedisplay This is your height above sea levelin feet The box at the bottomof the screen shows the status of each receiverchannel Channels onethroughfive are listed on thefar left side of the screen Four channels track each track one sa...

Page 26: ...oucan usethe View GoToWaypoint method which is identical inoperation to theWaypoint Save s View Save menu The otheroptionisthe Destination Waypoint Number in which you simply enter the waypoint numberthat is yourdesired destination The othertwooptions on this screen lets you viewthecurrently recalled waypoint View Current Wpt orcancelthe navigation to thecurrentwaypoint Cancel Waypt Nay VIEW GO TO...

Page 27: ...08 _________________ _______________________________ I Plore Clear To go to awaypoint withoutsavingit firstenterapositionusing the New Waypoint Position method described earlier Next press the key adjacent to the More label until the Go To Waypoint labelappears Nowsimplypressthe key adjacent to this label The Globaluavwill immediately shownavigation data to this position WAYPolpjRECALL You must re...

Page 28: theinterval between plots givesyou abetterchance to see morehistory To changethe plotterupdatetime pressthe keyadjacent to the uparrow toincreasethelimebetween plotsorthedownarrow to decreaseit Pressthe CLEARkey whenfinished CLEAR PLOTTRAIL Toerasethetracklinefromthedisplay pressthekeyadjacent to the Clear PlotTrail label The GlobalNavreturns totheplotter erasesthe track line s and centers your...

Page 29: ...these locationsusing the Steering Navigation or Plotter displays Waypoints are useful for marking shipwrecks buoys and other fishing ornavigational positions TheGlobalNav can store upto75waypoints Youcan store yourpresentpositionas awaypoint orenter latitude longi tudepositions aswaypoints Saving Current Position Waypoint QuickSave Method The GlobalNav lets youinstantlysaveyourpresentpositionas a ...

Page 30: ...v returns to the Save Waypoint screen shownat thetopof the previouspage afteryoupressthekey adjacentto the Use Position label Thepositionyouentered showsat the topof the screen To savethis position pressthe key adjacent to the Save as label as described above or press the key adjacent to the View SaveWaypt label Information on this menu selection follows IMPORTANT Youhaven t savedthewaypoint yet Y...
