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Summary of Contents for Retinette IB

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Page 2: ...Kodak ...

Page 3: ...Kodak www orphancameras com ...

Page 4: ...t You will never miss q shor like this wirh rhe RETTNETTE I B Set shutter speed Set focus zone Gentre pointer in finder Sight and shoot ...

Page 5: ...eeds in both ASA ond BS numbersore morked in red on the shutterring Pressthe setting key o ond turn the shutter ring b until the red dot points exoctly to the relevont ASA or BS number The picture shows the comero set itor o film speed of 28 BS On the opposite poge someKodokfilmsore listed www orphancameras com ...

Page 6: ...s Colour Films ASA Kodochro me Doylight Type Film Kodochrome Type A Film Ekfochrome DoylightTypeFilm Kodocolor NegotiveFilm 10 210 16 230 32 260 32 260 Blqck qnd white Films Ponotomic X Plus XPon Tri X Pon 25 80 200 250 300 340 ...

Page 7: ...urn io poge l8 for more informotion Turn the shulter ring b until the shutter speed of your choice clicks into ploce opposite the block dot The illustrotion left shows the shutter speed set ot 1 eo sBC Appreciobleresisloncehos to be overcomebetween1 3s ond l rssec This is to tell you thot for toking picturesol 1fi5sec ond B the comeroshouldbe plocedon o tripod to prevent blurredpictures qs o resul...

Page 8: ... oo infinity Your comerois lhen set for views from 15 feet to the for distonce The middleposition indicofes mid distonce between 8 ond l5 feet Thethird positionis for close ups between5 feet ond 8 feet The distonce zone indicoted by the block orrows is correci for f 4 With smoller lens openings e g f 8 on even wider zone will be shorp But ot lorger lens opening Il2 B it is better to set to the tri...

Page 9: ...tter odvonces the exposure counter ond winds the film on for the nexl picture Alwoys operote the lever d to the limit of its trovel lt will oufomoticolly return ofter it hos been releosed lf the rqpid filnr wind lever con not be swung out completely olthough o film is inserted ihis meons thot the film hos run out You should then rewind it os described on p o g e 1 5 www orphancameras com ...

Page 10: ...o should be held for shots in the horizonfol obove or upright pictures below o n e fh i n g y o u s h o u l d k e e p i n m i n d i s t h o t t h e steodieryour comero is held the shorper your pictures will be The only movement is mode by the forefinger or the thumb when releosing the shutter A few ottemptswill certoinly show you how noturolly your RETINETTE hondles ...

Page 11: ...oints to the D mork in the bottom of the brilliont frome illustrotionsobove ond center poge 11 Exposureis then correctly set Hold the cqmero steody ond press the releose button f fully down The film odvonce thumb lever should be operoted ofter every shot The bose line of the brilliontfrome is interrupted onceon eitherside These morkshoveno beoringon your picture toking Thesmollhorizoniol morkson t...

Page 12: ... to sef the shutter ring to B becouse the exposure indicotor in the finder cqnnot be used with tlrissetting where the pointer is on the extreme left hond side ond connot be set to the A mork the shutter ring should be turned to the right lf the pointer con even then not be set to the a mork or if the n mork is obscured bottom illustrotion light conditions ore too poor for toking pictures 1 l ...

Page 13: ...tions on the little hook in the slit Pull the film ocross the film trock ond insert the cossette in the cossette chomber Turn the toke up spool until the teeth of the film tronsport sprocket k properly engoge both rows of film perforoiions Pushbqck the rewind knob h to its normol position ond turn the knob clockwise os indicoted by the orrow unlil o slight resistonce is felt The film is lhen prope...

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Page 15: ... 0 mork to 23 Cock the shutter ond releose cock ond releoseogoin ond cock o third time The rewind knob should be seen turning os you do this lf it does not tension the film o little bit more poge 12 The V mork will be now opposite No 36 or 20 To set the film in dicotor below hold the rewind knob ond turn the inner serroted ring until the block dot points to the type of filrn used in the comero Blo...

Page 16: ...i on button Open the comero bock in subdued light Pull out the rewind knob ond remove the cossettefrom the cqssettechomber lf you should ot ot ony time hove omitted to set the exposurecounter it moy hoppen thot in o loodedcomero the ropid film wind lever connot be switched to the limit of its trovel Depress the reserving button ond operote the ropid film rewind lever to complete its trovel The fil...

Page 17: ... RETINETTE I B cqnnokSogever be usedfor flqsh shots The lensoperturerequiredis colculoted on the guide numberof the floshbulb or electronic flosh unit used Go by the follow rng rule Guide numberdivided by distonce operture Guide number72 For exomPle D tonce 9 feet operture f 8 Turn the diophrogm ring until the figure 8 is opposite the block dot left lf on electronicflosh unit is used the entireshu...

Page 18: ...d to the side os for os it will go lf you now depress the releose bufton the shutter will not be releosed uniil qfter obout l0 seconds You hove enough time therefore to get into the picture Once ihe self timer hos been cocked the following picture must be token with the self timer The self iimer con of course olso be used for oll flosh shots t ...

Page 19: ...r will remoin open os long os you keep the releosebutton depressed The releosetime is dependend on the lens opening sei Becouse extended exposure times ore too long for hond held shots the comero should be ploced on o tripod ond o coble releose should be srewed into the releose bulton The exposure indicqtor in the finder cqnnol be used in conlunction with lhe B setting Self timed shots connot be t...

Page 20: ... film To compensote for this porollox of o subiectdistonceof 3t feet on imoginory line beiween the two opposite morks on the frome t h e u p p e r b r o k e n l i n e i n t h e i l l u s f r o t i o n i n d i c o t e st h e u p p e r l i m i t o f t h e f i e l d o f v i e w A s d i s t o n c e si n c r e o s e t h i s f i m i t l i n e i s g r o d uolly shifted up until ot 6 feet it coincideswith...

Page 21: ...fore toking the picture Kodok Filtersfor Blqck qnd white fS ond Colour Films Skylightfilter hozefilter for Kodochrome Doylighi Reduce filmspeed s e t t i n g b y Film Ultro violet filter 0 Lishtyellow Fl Doylightfilter85 85C ond 85B Doylight filter for Kodochrome Film TypeA TypeF ond Ekiochrome Film TypeB LightBoloncing Filter for Kodochrome Film TypeF 2 Mediumyellow Fll yellow green Flll Bluefilt...

Page 22: ...e set ihe film speed diol to 28o BS A look ot the opposite toble will show you thot for the yellow green filier F lll the film speed setting must be reduced by three divisions i e to 25o BS os in the illustrotion lf you remove the filter ogoin you should not forget to re set ihe film speed to normol ...

Page 23: ...odvonced but will remoin in posiiion for o second exposure on lhe some frome The exposure counter however will hove odvonced ond will indicote one exposuremore thon hos ociuolly been token ued Gare of the Garnera Proteci your lens ond the finder windows ogoinst injury ond finger prints For dusting ond polishing the gloss surfoces only o brush with very soft hoir ond o cleon soft lintless cloth sho...

Page 24: ... up rongefinder F 45 is ovoif obfe with the N t N il or N frf o crose up fenses The close up rongenfider gives you o pors llox free field of vrew The Lens Hood The lens hood should be your first occessory It screensoff stroy light ond olso protects the lens ogoinst roin or snow ond it is os weil to use it for oll your pictures 23 ...
