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Summary of Contents for TK06A

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Page 3: ..._ _ Contents tQuickusin_ 3 t InstaIIation attentions 3 tAttentions 4 l Summa_ S 2 Ma ...

Page 4: ... _ _ _ _ _ __ t _ l _ap_osTp __om sd_ o7 pea_ pue _eu_Ts amaJa_ sd_ a_1 aJnpa_ TTTm 7T _a_eT _u_7ea4 _o _a_e_ uoTJeTns4T Te_a47 _R7aw _q panT_ uaa_JspuTm a47 JT _eJ _ TTR7su_ ua4m l î_s __4_ ___Rmu_ a_ts iuo__ a ...

Page 5: ...indshield Under front windshie_d ___ _ _y_____ a_ m 0_ 0a___ _ _ _ _ 0_ A u d d s _ _ U NOTE device front side towards the _tcy tAttentions tDevice light l No yellow light failed to read SIM card need reinstallSIM card 2 Blue light nash ...

Page 6: ...tam ww _T xww s Lbx_b8 _ s_ads 1ua_uo_ __a0s f TRuoT1da _RTe a_nTT eJ _amod azT lea_ ol _a4eq dn_Jeq uT 7_T ng _ Teuo_Jdo aTJT4an a41Jo 1TnJ_J pue T_ o _w TTo_74oJ azT _ea_ oJ _eTa_ Tewa7xa _Jauuo_ _ _RTe _am T Jue J_v _ _R_Rp ...

Page 7: ...TT F 2Hoo9cv_36v cc _Nemo_k Gsm GPRs GPs _B 8so 9oo 1 8oo 1 9oa Mhz _G_s chi0 uBLox _GsMmodule mTK6o GPS 5 Bm n_ p _ Sm CCU C Caldstatus 4Ss ImeTO W4_Stat4S 35S IrSt IX OtStatuS lS Work volta0oe Storage gs ...

Page 8: o_mJt _lt_y_la_m_oTu_d _ l a eTd 4oT_e1_e_suT a4J a_4R4J asRa_d ua47 _ap_osTp __am sd_ o7 peaT puR TR_Ts anTaJa_ sd_ a4J aJnpa_ __Tm 7_ _a_e_ _uTJRa4 _o _a_e_ uoT 7eTnsu_ Te_a4J _R7aw _q panT_ uaa_Jspu_ m a41 JT aJTJoN uaa_Jspu_ ...

Page 9: ... li0_ht __ower _yellow __00ht _GsM si00nal _B _Gis si00nal Note the three lights must be stable ligh_ng repre_ents device can work norm8lly De_ce will turn into sleep mode with lights a_ 8Fter araund S minutes it _l w8ke up iF m8ke 8 call to device num ...

Page 10: ... _____ _ c t__ __ _ ____ b _o _ _aq _Tda_ _TT m JT papaaJ_ns J_ _ g_bfzTgw_aq s_s puas a_dwRxa _o_ s7TneJap _ 7_eJ o7 s_aJawe_Rd a__ TTR __4asa_ r sT 4oT7ezTTeT7_uT __ewa_ g_bfzT p_omssRd 7_neJa_ s_w4as a_7 _Te a_T_e_JTw p4e ...

Page 11: ...ord Send SMS pas_word old pas_word new pa__word to the 4nit to change the password For Example send SMS password l23456 666888 to device it will reply SMS password OK 6 2 2 Make sure the new password is in 6 digits arabic numbers or the ...

Page 12: ..._ _____ _ ___________ _________ _____ ____ __ l TT RaJR uT emaJ awos uT _Jom 1ou _ew uo_ 7J4_ sT4J a7oN eu__J 4a4zua4s 7JT l1sT p uR oeq pJ T n_uR_ C wg T T punoJe _ oJuT uo_ 7e_oT 74aunJ _TdaJ TTT m JT aJT nap o1 _ ma s_s p4as z _ g 7a ...

Page 13: auto track Send SMS at 30 sum O to the device Remark device must be connected to _acking sofhvare 6 6 2 Cancel1ation Send SMS noa_pas_word to thedevice 6 7 Voice Surveillance 6 7 1 The command to switch behveen Track and Manitor are kacker a ...

Page 14: ... i_ _T uoT1Ju_ a4J asoTJ ol aJ nap oJ __o JJ_ s_s puas e oT g iaQWnu pazT _O4JnR a47 OJ i j ___ _Tda_ TT_m atT nap 4o uoTl_u_T aTJT4an ua4m 4oT1Ju_ _eTR ue7s Te_aT_T _eJs o1 aJT _ap a1 gNo ___ s_s puas T oT g w_R_eNo___oT g cc_opaads ...

Page 15: ...C 8 is defa4lt time zone 6 l l l Send SMS ti m ezo ne p a_swo rd d irection time zo n e valu e in hours time 2one in munites If set OK_ it will reply time zone ok For example if in UTC 6 send SMS timezone l23456 W 6 OO If in UTC 5 30 se ...

Page 16: ..._ _ _ __ _ 5T p__e_u _ p_T_n v _uTJJas s_d_ Ndv mod dT s_s __da_ T__ m aJTnap aJ_nap oJ _ dJ_ s_s p4as e_a_awe_ed _u_ _1a_ a__ _ap _Ja4J lT g _aqwnu paz__o_7ne a47 o7 iua_e _amod 7nJ s_s puas l__m JT _R_e a_n_7 RJ _amod azTTea_ o7 _ ...

Page 17: ..._ 6 18 Web pIatrorm GPS tracWng _o__are Web based _la__orm _m_w__0s_22X com details please cantact manufacturer ...
