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Propane Lantern Maintenance 




Replacing the mantel 



Unscrew the ball nut on the top of the lantern, and remove the ventilator and glass globe. 


Remove the old mantel and strings holding it onto the burner. 


Place lantern in base 


Tie mantle around grove in burner and cut off ends of string ¼” from knot. 


Light bottom of mantle evenly (move match back and forth) and leave to burn.  Once mantle has been 
burned it is very fragile.  Be careful not to touch it with your finger or with a match. 


Replace the glass globe, ventilator and ball nut. 


Attaching the Propane Cylinder 



Be sure the fuel valve is off. 


Take Lantern outdoors. 


Remove plastic cap from top of propane cylinder and screw cylinder into regulator hand tight. 


Inspect for leaks.  If you smell gas: Do not attempt to light appliance; Extinguish any open flame; 
Disconnect from fuel supply. 


Set lantern into base 


Lighting the lantern 



Always light and use your lantern outdoors; never in house, camper, tent or other unventilated or 
enclosed areas. 


Push a lit match through lighting hole and turn fuel valve to high. 


Flames other than at mantles indicate flooding or a leak.  Turn fuel valve off, allow flames to burn out 
and lantern to cool.  Carefully review instructions and correct problem before relighting lantern. 


Adjust fuel valve to desired brightness. 

© Scouts Canada :: Thunder Bay Area          MMVIII 

  free for non-commercial use 
