Cisco ONS 15310-CL Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R5.0
June 2005
CE-100T-8 Ethernet Operation
This chapter covers the operation of the CE-100T-8 (Carrier Ethernet) card supported on the ONS 15310
(15310-CE-100T-8). A CE-100T-8 card is also supported on the ONS 15454 (15454-CE-100T-8).
Provisioning is done through Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) or Transaction Language One (TL1).
Cisco IOS is not supported on the CE-100T-8 card.
For Ethernet card specifications, refer to the Cisco ONS 15310-CL Reference Manual. For step-by-step
Ethernet card circuit configuration procedures and hard-reset and soft-reset procedures, refer to the
Cisco ONS 15310-CL Procedure Guide. Refer to the
Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide
for TL1
provisioning commands. For specific details on ONS 15310-CL Ethernet card interoperability with other
ONS platforms, refer to the “POS on ONS Ethernet Cards” chapter of the Ethernet Card Software
Feature and Configuration Guide for the ONS 15454 SDH, ONS 15454, and ONS 15327.
Chapter topics include:
CE-100T-8 Overview, page 16-1
CE-100T-8 Ethernet Features, page 16-2
CE-100T-8 SONET Circuits and Features, page 16-6
CE-100T-8 Overview
The CE-100T-8 is a Layer 1 mapper card with eight 10/100 Ethernet ports. It maps each port to a unique
SONET circuit in a point-to-point configuration.
Figure 16-1
illustrates a sample CE-100T-8
application. In this example, data traffic from the Fast Ethernet port of a switch travels across the
point-to-point circuit to the Fast Ethernet port of another switch.
Figure 16-1 CE-100T-8 Point-to-Point Circuit
The CE-100T-8 cards allow you to provision and manage an Ethernet private line service like a
traditional SONET line. CE-100T-8 card applications include providing Ethernet private line services
and high-availability transport.
Point-to-Point Circuit