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Agilent 7500 AFM

Data Sheet

Features and Benefits 


Atomic resolution imaging with  
closed loop 90µm scanner


•  Exceptional environmental and 

temperature control

•  Standard nose cone supports 

expanded set of imaging modes


Superior scanning in fluids, gases,  
and ambient conditions

•  Single-pass nanoscale electrical 



Unprecedented electrochemistry  

(EC) capabilities



Materials science


Life science



Polymer science





Electrical characterization




System Overview 

The Agilent 7500 AFM establishes 

new performance, functionality, and 
ease-of-use benchmarks for nanoscale 

measurement, characterization, and 

manipulation. This next-generation 
system extends the forefront of atomic 
force microscopy, offering a large closed 

loop scanner with atomic resolution, 

industry-leading environmental control, 
ultra-high-precision temperature control, 
an unrivaled range of electrochemistry 

capabilities, and much more.

The clever, compact design of the 7500 
gives researchers quick, convenient 
access to their samples. ฀ half-dozen 

most used AFM imaging modes are 
supported by the system’s standard nose 
cone, which can easily be interchanged 
with specialized nose cones as needed, 

extending capability effortlessly. 

Whether serving academia or industry, 

the Agilent 7500 is the new gold 

standard for advanced ฀FM applications 
in the ields of electrochemistry, life 

science, materials science, polymer 
science, electrical characterization, and 

New AFM Design   

The 7500 offers stable ฀FM imaging 
combined with exceptionally lat, easily 
reproducible displacement over the entire 
scan range to deliver high resolution and 
very low distortion. ฀gilent’s patented 
top-down tip scanner technology is ideal 
for imaging in luids and in air as well 

as under controlled temperature and 

environmental conditions.

The scanner’s standard nose cone 

enables the use of contact mode, ฀฀C 
mode, current-sensing ฀FM (CS-฀FM), 
EFM, KFM, MFM, and M฀C Mode in 

The Agilent 7500 AFM System.
