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AngleMeter 30 / 40

AngleMeter 30 / 40


Digital angle meter ADA AngleMeter 30 / 40 has built-in electronic sensor 

of slope. Data are displayed on LCD digital display. AngleMeter 30 / 40 

has adjustable aluminium angle for angle measurements.

Put the instrument on even surface. Set the adjustable angle to cover the 

housing exactly.


Digital angle meter ADA AngleMeter 30 / 40, batteries.


Open battery cover and put batteries.

Note! Change the batteries if the symbol of battery is appeared on dis-




Measuring range                        0.0° ~ 225.0° 

Resolution                                   0.1°

Accuracy                                      ±0.3°

Power supply                              3V lithium battery

Operaring temperature             0°C ~ + 40°C

Working humidity                       ≤85%RH



Move the scale or press button On/Off to switch on the instrument. Press 

this button again to switch it Off.

Absolute Angle Measurement

Move adjustable arm to touch the surfaces and measure the desired 

angle with the help of inner or outer part of the arm.  

Relative Angle Measurement

Adjust the position between 2 arms to the selected angle. Press ZERO to 

reset the device. Move the adjustable arm to the surface of the measure-

ment. The difference between two angles is shown on the display. Use 

inner and outer parts of the arms to take measurements.




Possible cause


- display doesn’t switch 


- fuzzy display

- disordered display

- no battery,

- wrong battery 

installation or

low battery

- install battery again 

- replace battery

Flashing digits

low battery

replace battery

Frozen display

internal error

remove battery and install it 

again in one minute 


Name and model of the product _______________________________________

Serial number ________________   date of sale____________________________

Name of commercial organization _____________________________________

stamp of commercial organization.

Warranty period for the instrument explotation is 24 months after the 

date of original retail purchase.

During this warranty period the owner of the product has the right for 

free repair of his instrument in case of manufacturing defects.

Warranty is valid only with original warranty card, fully and clear filled 

(stamp or mark of thr seller is obligatory).

Technical examination of instruments for fault identification which is 

under the warranty, is made only in the authorized service center.

In no event shall manufacturer be liable before the client for direct or 

consewuential damages, loss of profit or any other damage which

occur in the result of the instrument outage.

The product is received in the state of operability, without any visible 

damages, in full completeness. It is tested in my presence. I have no 

complaints to the product quality. I am familiar with the conditions of 

warranty service and I agree.

purchaser signature _______________________________

Before operating you should read service instruction!

If you have any questions about the warranty service and technical sup-

port contact seller of this product


1. If the standard or serial product number will be changed, erased, re-

moved or wil be unreadable.

2. Periodic maintenance, repair or changing parts as a result of their normal 


3. All adaptations and modifications with the purpose of improvement 

and expansion of normal sphere of product application, mentioned in 

the service instruction, without tentative written agreement of the expert 


4. Service by anyone other than an authorized service center.

5. Damage to products or parts caused by misuse, including, without lim-

itation, misapplication or nrgligence of the terms of service instruction.

6. Power supply units, chargers, accessories, wearing parts.

7. Products, damaged from mishandling, faulty adjustment, maintenance 

with low-quality and non-standard materials, presence of any liquids and 

foreign objects inside the product.

8. Acts of God and/or actions of third persons.

9. In case of unwarranted repair till the end of warranty period because 

of damages during the operation of the product, it’s transportation and 

storing, warranty doesn’t resume.

For more information you can visit our website 


or write the letter with your questions on 

[email protected]


ANGLEMETER 30 / 40  

Digital angle meter
