P-661HW-D Series Support Notes
(3) WWW/Telnet service is enabled but your host IP is not the secured host
entered in Web Configurator, Advanced setup,
Advanced -> Remote
(4)A filter set which blocks WWW/Telnet from WAN is applied to WAN node.
You can check by command:
wan node index [index #]
wan node display
4. Why can't I upload the firmware and configuration file using FTP over
(1) When the firewall is turned on, all connections from WAN to LAN are
blocked by the default ACL rule. To enable FTP from WAN, you must turn
the firewall off or create a firewall rule to allow FTP connection from WAN.
The WAN-to-LAN ACL summary will look like as shown below.
Source IP= FTP host
Destination IP= P-661HW-D's WAN IP
Service= FTP TCP/21, TCP/20
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