1 Introducing the Prestige
The Prestige is a broadband sharing gateway with a built-in wireless LAN access point and four-port 10/100
Mbps switch that makes it easy for people to set up a small home/office network and share Internet access via
a broadband (cable/DSL) modem. Key features of the Prestige include media bandwidth management, an
embedded 802.11g wireless LAN security, One-Touch Intelligent Security Technology, firewall, print server,
VPN, content filtering, NAT and UPnP. See your
User’s Guide
for more details on all Prestige features.
You should have an Internet account already set up and have been given most of the following information.
Internet Account Information
Your device’s WAN IP Address (if given): __________________
DNS Server IP Address (if given): First ______________, Second ______________, Third ______________
(select one below):
Service Type: _______________________
Login Server IP Address: ______________
User Name: ____________
Password: ____________
User Name: ____________
Password: ____________
Your WAN IP Address: ____________
PPTP Server IP Address: ___________
Connection ID (if required): ____________
(PPPoE) Service Name: ____________
User Name: ____________
Password: ____________
Procedure to View a Product’s Certification(s)
1. Go to
2. Select your product from the drop-down list box on the ZyXEL home page to go to that product's page.
3. Select the certification you wish to view from this page.