Additional Tools
The histogram area displays the statistical values of the currently displayed image, including the maximum
value, minimum value, average value, and mean square deviation, where the peak indicates the maximum
brightness of the image. Using the AUTO button, you can perform an automated stretch operation to
display the image correctly before processing and using the Mini symbol you can enlarge the graph for
finer adjustment of the image. It is recommended to keep "Automatic" on. The Reset button- resets the
stretch if required.
Enable the guiding floating window
Plate Solve
Press the Plate Solve button to analyze the current displayed image to determine the center coordinates
(Right Ascension and Declination) of the image
which shows your current mount pointing position. You
can use this to calibrate the mount by pressing the "Sync to Mount" option in the pop-up box when the
plate solve is complete.
Plate solving also provides the basis for the Polar Alignment feature.
Creates a crosshair over the image to allow accurate centering of the image.
Annotate the stars in it after you captured an image.
Detect Star
Show the sizes of stars you captured.
Focus Control
When the ZWO EAF focuser is connected you can press this button to enter the focus control
it will overlay
the main page or focus page until turned off again.