Zakład Wytwórczy Aparatów Elektrycznych Sp. z o.o.
3.4. Tests before first run
Before putting the operating mechanism into service, the quality of its assembly and the correct interaction
with the apparatus must be checked. For that purpose, 10 - 20 electrically controlled shifts should be made,
carefully observing the interaction of the parts. In the case of any irregularities in the operation of the operat-
ing mechanism or the apparatus cooperating with it, a re-adjustment of the respective assemblies should be
carried out and the tests should be repeated.
4.1. Manual maneuvring
Set control mode switch in 'manual' position. In that switch's position, remote and local control is disconnect-
ed. Manual drive's electromagnetic locking is ready to work.
In order to start manual drive one should:
• unscrew manual crank’s socket cap (nut on the right side of operating mechanism);
• push “blockade” button;
• pull mechanical lock (black knob);
• release “blockade” button;
• insert the crank;
• turn the crank clockwise or counter-clockwise until the nut on the screw reaches the position where it switch-
es the microswitch;
• pull mechanical lock (black knob);
• pull out the crank;
• skrew the crank’s socket cap.
4.2. Local maneuvring
Set control mode switch in 'local' position. In that switch's position, remote control is disconnected and man-
ual drive's locking is not power supplied. Local control's buttons are working. Pressing „on” button causes
apparatus closing. Pressing „off” buttong causes apparatus opening. Improper buttons using does not cause
apparatus damage or improper functioning.
4.3. Remote maneuvring
Set control mode switch in “remote” position. In this position buttons are unavailable and there is no power
supply to the manual drive’s locking.