Step by step assembly instruc8ons
Step 1: Remove all the packaging. Place the tabletop on the protected area with the round
top underneath.
Step 2: Take one large leg and align with a hole in the table top. Turn clockwise un8l it fits
securely. Do not over 8ghten. Do the same with the second and third leg.
Step 3: Repeat step 2 for the medium and small table.
Care and maintenance
A gentle wipe with a lint-‐free cleaning cloth is all that is required to maintain the finish. Do
not use any abrasive cleaning products or spray polishes on this table, as they will alter the
finish of the table.
All spillages must be wiped up immediately.
Protect surface from scratches and marks by using mats and/or coasters.
Accessories such as ornaments or lamps, which are placed upon the surface, need to be
moved regularly to avoid shading.
Furniture will endure most temperatures in the modern home. However, it should be
posi8oned as far away from radiators or other direct heat sources as possible.
The tables should not be used for siVng or standing on.
Never drag pieces across the floor as this could cause damage to the floor.
Periodically check all fixings and 8ghten if necessary.