Band Saw
Dear customer!
When purchasing product:
require the verification of its serviceability by trial switching-on, as well as completeness according to
the delivery kit;
make sure that the warranty slip is duly executed and contains the date of sale, the stamp of the store
and the seller’s signature.
Before using the product for the first time, carefully read this instruction manual and strictly follow the
requirements. Only in this way you will be able to learn how to handle the product correctly and avoid errors
and dangerous situations. Keep this manual throughout the life of your product.
Remember! The product is a source of high traumatic danger.
Purpose and scope
Band Saw is designed for sawing of workpieces from
wood and its derivatives at various angles, along the
radius, and also at an inclination.
Please read this manual carefully, including the
«Safety instructions» section and the «Basic Safety
Instructions» appendix. Only in this way you will be
able to learn how to handle the tool correctly and
avoid errors and dangerous situations.
The product is intended for short time works with
medium intensity loads in areas with a moderate
climate with a characteristic temperature of -10 to
+40 ° C, relative air humidity of not more than 80%
and the absence of direct exposure to atmospheric
precipitation and excessive dustiness of the air.
This manual contains the most complete information
and requirements that are necessary and sufficient
for reliable, efficient and safe operation of the product.
In connection with the continuation of the work on
improving the product, the manufacturer reserves
the right to introduce into its design minor changes
that are not reflected in this manual and do not affect
the effective and safe operation of the product.
Do any work with the saw blade in gloves.
Some parts of the product are heated during
operation. Do not touch them immediately after
work is finished and until it cools down completely.
Application of the product in industrial volumes,
in conditions of high intensity of work and
superheavy loads, reduces its service life.