Chapter 2 Product Overview
videoconferencing functions. Based on SIP, the ZXV10 ET312 terminal can be seamlessly
converged with the IMS.
shows a typical network.
Figure 2-5 Network of Convergence with the ZTE IMS
Network architecture description:
The ZXV10 ET312 terminal accesses an IMS network through SIP registration, and
can join or hold an HD video conference on the IMS network.
After joining the IMS—converged conference, the ZXV10 ET312 can exchange video
and audio signals with multiple types of clients, for example, SIP hard terminals, soft
terminals, and video phones, facilitating user communication.
2.5 Interfaces and Protocols
For a description of the interfaces and protocols of the ZXV10 ET312, refer to
Table 2-3 Interfaces and Protocols
Interface Type
Description and Quantity
Compliant Standard and
1×HDMI IN, high-definition video input
HDMI 1.4
Video input
1×USB 3.0, high-definition USB camera
USB 3.0
Video output
2×HDMI OUT, high-definition video output
HDMI 1.4
SJ-20190419092037-001|2019-04-08 (R1.0)
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