About This Manual
This manual describes the hardware structure, components, system configurations,
performance, physical parameters and supported boards and cables of the ZXR10 ZSR
V2 series routers.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:
Network planning engineers
Equipment installation engineers
Installation supervision engineers
What Is in This Manual
This manual contains the following chapters and appendixes.
Chapter 1, Hardware Overview
Describes the hardware overview of the ZXR10 ZSR V2
seriess routers.
Chapter 2, ZXR10 3800-8 Chassis
Describes the structure, components, slots, system pa-
rameters, power supplies, and the heat dissipation sys-
tem of the ZXR10 3800-8 chassis.
Chapter 3, ZXR10 2800-4 Chassis
Describes the structure, components, slot layout, system
parameters, power supplies, and the heat dissipation sys-
tem of the ZXR10 2800-4 chassis.
Chapter 4, ZXR10 1800-2S Chassis
Describes the structure, components, slot layout, system
parameters, power supplies, and the heat dissipation sys-
tem of the ZXR10 1800-2S chassis.
Chapter 5, ZXR10 2800-3E Chassis
Describes the structure, slot deployment, system pa-
rameters, power modules, and fan modules of a ZXR10
2800-3E chassis.
Chapter 6, ZXR10 1800-2E Chassis
Describes the structure, slot deployment, system pa-
rameters, power modules, and fan modules of a ZXR10
1800-2E chassis.
Chapter 7, MPFU
Describes the MPFU supported by all ZXR10 ZSR V2
series routers.
Chapter 8, General Processing Boards
Describes general processing boards that the ZXR10
ZSR V2 series routers support.
SJ-20150204153047-004|2015-03-30 (R1.0)
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential