the following parameters:
Connection name
Select "Create WAN Connection".
New Connection name
According to own convenience to specify.
Enable Vlan
This one can be set according to the network planning situation, if
the network planning Internet vlan, this one need to check the
"Enable vlan"; If the network is not planning Internet vlan, this one
does not need to check, then ONU is vlan transparent mode.
Vlan ID
The same as "Enable Vlan", Setting depending on the network vlan
Set the priority of vlan, The same as "enable Vlan", depending on the
network vlan planning to configure. The default priority is 0.
Select "Route".
Service List
Select internet. route mode access internet are generally select
The default is 1492 does not need to modify; if you meet can ping DNS but
the web browser can not access the site. Modify MTU smaller, such
as: 1400.
Link Type
Select "IP".
IP Version
The default is "Ipv4". ONU itself does not support IPV6.
IP Type
Select "DHCP".
Enable NAT
Check the "Enable NAT" function; NAT function is mainly used for
internal network and external network communication address
translation function, the default is checked enabled state, if not
check the network ONU not get the network.
ZTE solution ONU series of products is no port binding function, because