Web Control User Interface Setting
Frame Rate (fps)
The range of frame rate is 5~30, and 25~30 is recommended. The default value is 30.
Bit Rate (kbps)
The range of bit rate is 100 kbps~ 10,000 kbps. The default value is 2,000 kbps.
Once the video goes live, the real bitrate of video streaming is shown on the top-right of LCD. If the
average bitrate on LCD is smaller than your target setting above. That means the upload bandwidth is
not enough. In this situation, target bitrate can be lowered to improve the performance. The resolution
can also be lowered if bitrate is low.
I Frame Interval
The range of I frame interval is 5~200. The default value is 40.
Bitrate Control
“Bit Rate Control”
can be chosen as
(Constant Bitrate) or
(Variable Bitrate).
The Resolution choose from:
1080P (FHD)
720P (HD)
576P (PAL)
360P (Standard)
The default value is 1080P (FHD) .
3.7 RTMP Param
After clicking the
“RTMP Param”
option on the left column of the web control UI. User can configure
streaming parameter that include
“Connection Status”
“Streaming Network”