AMD 740G/760G/780G motherboard
Exit Menu
The exit menu items allow you to load the option or failsafe default values for the BIOS
items, and save or discard your changes to the BIOS items. Press <Enter> to display
the sub-menu:
Save Changes and Exit
Select this item and press <Enter> to save the changes that you have made in the
BIOS Setup and exit the BIOS Setup. When the diolog box [Save configuration
changes and exit setup?] appears, select [Ok] to save and exit, or select [Cancel] to
return to the main menu.
Discard Changes and Exit
Select this option only if you do not want to save the changes that you made to the
setup program. If you made changes to fields other than system date, system time,
and password, the BIOS asks for a confirmation before exiting.
Discard Changes
This option allows you to discard the selections you made and restore the previously
saved values. After selecting this option, a confirmation appears. Select [Ok] to dis
card any change and load the previously saved values.
Load Optimal Defaults
This option allows you to load the default values for each of the parameters on the
setup menus. When you select this option, a confirmation window appears. Select
[Ok] to load default values. Select [Cancel] to make other changes before saving the
values to the non-volatile RAM.
Bootup Num-Lock
Allows you to select the power-on state for the NumLock
Wait for ‘F1’ If Error
When set to [Enabled], the system waits for the F1 key to be pressed when error
1st Boot Device
Allows you to specify the boot sequence from the available devices.