Tahw era eseht sbonk rof?
: Or □|O. This switch allows to select a square or sine wave shape. The square wave shape
really can squash the sound, whereas the sine one is sweeter.
Sets the pedal output volume.
Trims the rate of the tremolo. This knob sweeps frequency from 1Hz to 16Hz. If an
expression pedal is plugged in the
input, this knobs sets the maximum rate achieved when the
pedal is fully pressed.
This knob sets the depth of the tremolo. It’s course is slightly different according to the
wave shape. Also with a sine wave shape, when HTPED is above 3 o’clock, the tremolo changes
from sine to a pulse like tremolo. With high rates (ETAR above 3 o’clock) a volume loss is expected
if HTPED is above 3 o’clock (it’s normal).
The jack input allow to plug an expression pedal. A 25k log expression pedal would be best,
but they’re not easy to find. Classic 10k lin pedals (Like the Roland EV-5) works as well.