There are no wow and flu tter effects on the Zoom RFX-2000. To compensate fo r this, you can
try what comes naturally to many players, by holding the guitar’s tremolo arm as much as
possible whilst playing lead lines, even when the obvious tremolo arm effect is not required.
There is no need to deliberately wobble the arm, and lightly holding it whilst playing can
produce a pleasing effect. O f course, you should use the arm in the usual way when you wish
to. When damped notes are being played it is not usually possible to hold the arm, and wow and
flutter effects, even when present, are not usually exposed under these conditions in any case.
Deliberately pressing down slightly on the bridge can also produce interesting effects whilst
playing damped notes.
A M IDI fo o t controller can be used to remotely select the programs. Please note some MIDI
pedals may contain features you do not want or need and may cause unpredictable effects to the
sound o f some or all programs. The M IDI section o f the RFX-2000 has to be programmed i f
you require programs to be assigned to specific pedal numbers. Full details start on page 10 o f
the Zoom RFX-2000 operation manual.
The available parameters depend on the program selected. Only information specific to Echoes
From The Past programs will be shown here. Before considering permanently changing and
storing new parameters you should make a note o f the old settings and also note your new
settings in case you need to renew them i f you r programs are lost fo r any reason. Details o f how
to identify existing settings are on page 8 o f the Zoom RFX-2000 operation manual. Echoes
From The Past cannot reprogram you r own preferred settings.
The M IX control adjusts the dry/wet ratio (and therefore effect level) fo r all programs.
FOR ECHO PROGRAMS 01 to 25, 35, 36 and 37
R E V CHARACTER adjusts the tone o f the echo.
R E V TIME adjusts feedback time in hundreds o f milliseconds from 0 to 14 (0 to 1400 m/s)
REV EQ L O W adjusts the feedback time in milliseconds from 0 to 99.
R E V EQ HIGH adjusts the amount offeedback.
FOR ECHO PROGRAMS 26 to 34 - The TAP button can be used to set the required delay time
fo r these programs. For fin er control the delay time can be set as detailed below.
R E V CHARACTER adjusts the tone o f the feedback. Higher settings give warmer subsequent
R E V TIME adjusts delay time in hundreds o f milliseconds from 0 to 29 (0 to 2900 m/s)
REV EQ LO W adjusts the delay time in milliseconds from 0 to 99 (0 to 72 at the 29 hundreds
R E V EQ HIGH adjusts the amount offeedback.
FOR PROGRAM 38 See the Zoom RFX-2000 operation manual fo r adjusting SFX ROTARY.
FOR PROGRAMS 39, 40, AND 41 See user manual fo r adjusting EFFECTS TRM-PAN.
FOR PROGRAM 42 See the operation manual f o r adjusting DELA Y DLY+REV
FOR PROGRAM 43 See the operation manual fo r adjusting EFFECTS CHO+REV.
FOR PROGRAMS 44 AND 45 See the operation manual fo r adjusting REVERB HALL.
I f you wish to permanently change a program you may prefer to keep the original and instead
copy it to a chosen location, alter the copied program and store its new setting(s) instead. I f this
is done it may be difficult or impossible to retrieve the overwritten program so be sure not to
overwrite any programs you wish to keep.
This is described on page 8 o f the Zoom RFX-2000 operation manual.