You may want an additional mea-
sure of security on your wireless
network, which can be achieved by
using WEP (Wired Equivalent
Privacy) encryption. WEP encrypts
each frame transmitted from the
radio using one of the Keys entered
in this panel.
When an encrypted frame is re-
ceived it will only be accepted if it
decrypts correctly. This will only
happen if the receiver has the same
WEP Key used by the transmitter.
The default state in Encryption
Setting is WEP disabled. Check “Enable WEP” to enable the encryption.
For more WEP key setting, Click “WEP Encryption Key Setting”.
Three authentication modes are
available: Open System, Shared Key
and Auto. The Open System uses
default key to authenticate the
station and Access Point. Once both
parties are authenticated, the
station is allowed to send and re-
ceive data from the network.
However, the data are not
In Shared Key system, the station and Access Point are authenticated
each other. The data frame is also encrypted by the WEP key.
In Auto Mode, the Access Point takes control of network security setting
and station will follow the setting required from AP.
Click the “close box” at the upper right hand corner to return to Con-
figuration Tool.