Installation Guide
ZON ZMP-3 Doorbell Module
Power Up and Use of the ZMP-3 Module
1. Before connecting AC Power to the ZON Router, make sure that you have inserted a properly formatted and populated SD Card into the module. Also
make sure that you have completed your trigger connections.
2. When power to the ZON router is connected, the ZMP-3 module turns on, and initializes. You will see the status light flash green during the time the SD
card is being read. If you see a solid green light following the initialization, the module is ready for use. Should you see a solid red light after initialization,
there is an SD Card error.
3. Most SD Card errors are the result of improperly formatted cards, or wrong audio files/file naming. Only MP3 files can be processed by the module, and
the names of the files must be 1.mp3, 2.mp3 and so on through 5.mp3.
4. Eject the SD Card and check the format and contents. After correcting any errors, insert the card into the module. This will cause the module to re-initialize.
If your card is formatted and populated correctly, you should receive a solid green status light on the module.
5. Test your contact closures. You will need working controllers connected to your ZON router(s) to hear the MP3 files generated by the module. You should
also check that your controllers are set to receive pages, and that their default paging volume is set properly to hear the audio. Consult the ZON Serial
Configuration User’s Guide for more information on working with controller paging settings.
Additional Information
1. If you find that the paging audio from the module is too low, you may want to adjust the amplification settings of your MP3 file. Use your audio file software
to make these settings.
2. The ZMP-3 module will not process a new trigger while a file is playing. There is a slight delay after the conclusion of a file before the module will respond
to a subsequent trigger.
3. Controllers that are “off” will not respond to incoming pages. The ZON System Intallation and User’s Guide has detailed information on how controllers
work with the ZON system paging functions.
4. Only one ZMP-3 module is required for each ZON system, regardless of how many routers are used. Proper router-to-router linking is required to tie the
one module throughout the system. Refer to the ZON System Installation and User’s Guide for more information on how to properly link routers together
in a mulitple router system.
For the latest information on the ZMP-3, as well as answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), application guides, and other helpful documents,
please visit the official ZON website:
10 TO 16
Like Elk 930-A
Router Location
Figure 3
How to Connect a Doorbell to the ZMP-3
1. To integrate a typical residental doorbell (one with a AC transformer and lighted doorbell button), you will need a doorbell detector device such as the Elk
930-A. Doorbell detectors allow you to create a dry contact closure that is required for use with a ZMP-3. WARNING! There must be no voltage presented
by the device which triggers the ZMP-3.
2. Figure 3 below shows a line diagram of a typical doorbell system and how it integrates with a ZMP-3. Note the use of a doorbell detector, which should
be located close to the ZR-98 Router’s location. Consult your doorbell detector’s operation and installation guide for proper wiring.
3. Wiring a doorbell in this fashion will make the ZMP-3 generate the tone(s) announcing a doorbell button press.